When casting needs a child star who can ride a wild horse bareback without falling off, don'tcha think it cuts down the pool of applicants a bit? <groan> So it was as well, to some extent, with the other movie I've seen Kelly Reno in: Brady's Escape. I'd rather take this daunting skill into account before nitpicking his speech.
Furthermore, I'm quite content to see him as a quiet boy, in whom still waters run deep-- one whose mind could be enriched rather than driven insane by weeks of confinement to a desert island with only a horse to keep him company. This, and the fact that he never got over it, is what the film is about. He had an experience and a relationship that could not be communicated to other people, yet developed in him tremendous love and determination. Whether this character was Kelly's own idea or the director's, I think that he was effective.
By the way, I've just seen "The Life of Pi", which shares many of the same themes and characteristics, including widely applauded scenes with little dialogue but breathtaking cinematic beauty. But the animal which keeps Pi company after his shipwreck, and which he says saved his life, is even more dangerous, intractable, and hard to love: a Bengal tiger. No fan of The Black Stallion should miss it.