How could this not get an Oscar for cinematography?
The Black Stallion, I think, is one of the most beautifully filmed movies of all time. I mean look at those island scenes. Deep blue water. The sunsets. The shallow depth of field on that porcupine. The underwater scenes with Alec and the horse. Even the rainbow during the end credits (!). Plus, think of the logistics they had to go through following a fast-moving horse on a sandy beach. Caleb Deschanel pulled it all off like a master. Then there were the later scenes on the farm, warmly lit. And don't forget the horse Napoleon and his driver coming out of the fog. There was so much variety in this film, all challenging I'm sure. I CANNOT UNDERSTAND why it wasn't even nominated for Best Cinematography at the Oscars in 1980 (for 1979 films). Exactly what standards for excellence in cinematography are they looking for when they nominate these films?