When will 'Beyond' be on DVD? I know that they won't keep this from the viewers because they released 'The Swarm' already.


I don't know if it was a fully legal version, but I have found Beyond the Poseidon Adventure on CVD on ebay. The seller is in the Phillipines and charged about $5 for the movie and $15 for shipping, but I do have it now. If you want it see if the guy is still selling it.


What scenes were extended? I haven't found the video so I could rent it. If there are extended scenes, maybe they'll put them on the DVD like they did on 'The Swarm.'


I, too, would love to see a special edition dvd release of this underrated classic. Does anyone know of a way to petition Warner Brothers for its release?


You know, this movie was a total commercial and critical flop, we know this, don't we people? Regardless, we do love it, don't we? Here's what I think: Warner Bros. will release this sometime in 2005 to cash in on the remake of the original 1972 "Poseidon." They would be dumb not to. I'm willing to bet it'll be letterboxed, too. That would of course be the first time ever, as it was never released on laserdisc. There will probably also be a Fox reissuing of the original "Poseidon" on DVD, and my guess is it will be a two-discer. I'm not an insider or anything, but when movies are re-released or remade, restorations or new editions come out to video stores (i.e. the originals of "Dawn of the Dead," "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," "Around the World in 80 Days," "Moulin Rouge" and others, recently had new jam-packed editions of the originals released on DVD, to capitalize on the remakes).

"Beyond," too, will get its DVD dues, I'm sure. I know it's not being remade, but I think, as it is a sequel to a smash-hit classic, and since a remake of the original is coming, it will ride the tail of the refreshing of the "Poseidon" franchise. Plus, if they'd release a turkey like "The Swarm" on DVD, there's hope yet for "Beyond."


>I'm willing to bet it'll be letterboxed, too. That would of course be the first time ever, as it was never >released on laserdisc.

Um. Yes, it was released on laserdisc -I have it. :)

Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?


It was a "flop" because it completely lacked the emotional impact of the original, and sorely missed Hackman, Borgnine and Winters.

What made the original Poseidon a cut above other disaster films was that when a character died, you actually cared. In most disaster films, as in Beyond the Poseidon Adventure, the characters are too cardboard to care about.

I would also say the sountrack from the original Poseidon was a lot better than Beyond.

That being said, Beyond is mildly entertaining to fans of the original (or Mark Harmon fans).


I found a website: http://www.onvideo.org/calendar/dvd_06e.htm that said that Beyond the Posedion Adventure was going to be released on DVD on May 2nd. But I can't find it listed on Best Buy or Amazon.com.

Is this website lying?

"What do you people at home think?"
--Crow T. Robot



On ebay now



"The Swarm" is my favorite DVD outside of my MST3K collection. I hope "Beyond" does get released to DVD, and then maybe, just maybe, the crown jewel--"When Time Ran Out (AKA "The Poseidon Adventure On An Island")"--will be released to DVD. I pray that, like "Swarm," it's the long version.

(One of these days, someone's gotta release Allen's TV disaster trash to DVD. I cannot die before seeing "Hanging By A Thread" or "The Night The Bridge Fell Down" again.)


Dont forget his TV movie "Adventures Of The Queen"...Very cool TV flick for Poseidon fans!


The DVD is NOT out... Waaaagh! That site that said it was coming out May 2 is wrong. ANYONE know if it's actually coming out? I'd love a copy!






