Beyond the poseidon adventure on UK tv tonight....
BBC 11:55
sharei'm liking it. it's funny.
shareTelly Savalas has a look which says "How did I do Blofeld again?" on his face. Caine has a look which says "Think of the pay check Mike." written all over it.
I thought that the Peter Boyle role was pretty funny. He had obviously been told just before the filming started "Pete sit down and watch the original. Okay now all we want you to do is just do the exact same things that Borgnine does but be more annoying."
Sally Field was cute but what the hell but really how the hell did her character end up in this situation? Like any self respecting salvage crew would pick her up, never mind take her onto a sinking ship. Wouldn't it have made more sense for them to find that character on the ship?
Killing off Jack Warden's wife was cruel and too similar to the old guy's wife getting done in in the original. Plus he gets over it rather too quickly for my liking.
Slim Pickens part was unnecessary and it is quite funny that nobody seems to give a $hit when he reveals that he's a fraud.
Mark Harmon is rather forgettable. His character is given no back story at all and just seems to be a drone with a badly timed crush.
Karl Malden had 'I ain't gonna make it' tattooed on him from the first scene. When his character breaks down in pain its almost as if he's refusing to gone on in the film itself rather than the storyline as its so bad.
On the whole the concept is ridiculous. I mean we've seen a much better and higher budget film already in which more original characters have escaped by the skin of their teeth from a massive sinking death trap. This basically cheapens it by trying to make us believe that 5 minutes later a salvage ship and terrorist show up on a lovely summer's day and leisurely decide to board it before finding out within 5 minutes it was a bad idea, delving deeper into the ship before deciding to get out and then do so (picking up characters who have somehow been body swerved by the original lot) with relative ease compared to the hell endured by TPA's escapees.
The story could have worked if it had taken place maybe just a fter the ship turns over and if it was set at the same time as the original film. It would almost be like an alternative version rather than a rehashed cash in which is what it blatantly is.
That actually further adds to the confusion because the cast is equally as strong as the first one ( maybe all the actors were really desperate or were shown the wrong script.) And if your going to cash in, especially with an inferior product then strike whilst the iron is hot and not SEVEN years later when everybody has probably forgotten what the hell your talking about.