A common Misconception.....

Having got an original copy of the script for this film i can now tell you that, the ppl who say this film is wrong because the Poseidon capsizes in a storm are themselves wrong. The Poseidon capsizes and the flashews of lightening are show disaster not a storm. We then jump to the tugboat Jenny which is in the storm which takes place at the opening of the original film, where Eric Shea climbs upto the bridge.


Not to sound like a jerk-but try watching the film closely...storm...capsize clip...storm..second capsize clip...storm...Its fairly obvious they are showing the ship capsizing during a storm. Just because the original had a storm in the first scenes, doesnt mean that they are showing the tug scenes too be before the capsize. This movie is ripe with continuity errors and cheap and sloppy filmaking in regards to the first film: The hull is shiny cherry red (for a rusting 40 year old-on the way to the breakers ship), the sadly reveresed clips of the engine room from the first film, Lindas body shot, the kitchens still above water after being flooded hours earlier in the first one, etc. If, as your script seems to indicate, they intended the storm shown to be the one shown earlier in the first film, they did a piss-poor job of presenting it.
