Movie's Original Plot

Seems like I remember reading back in the day that the original plot for Beyond the Poseidon Adventure was going to involve the orignal survivors trapped in a snowbound train in the Swiss Alps.
Does anyone else remember ever hearing about this? OR am I the crazy one?


No, your not crazy. That was an idea thrown around. There was even a script passed onto Carol Lynley, Ive heard. The poster for it showed a smoking gun, with the Poseidon Logo behind it. You can see it here:


wow! That is very interesting! Wouldn't it be cool to get ahold of the original script!!


When I first saw the movie, I was into the orinal and managed to find the sequal at Hollywood Video. The one I went to always had unkonw and interesting titles on shelf. The cover had sharks around the ship and I noticed the cast included Sally Field, Michael Caine, and Peter Boyle. I thought hmm, for a sequal might be interesting.

I thought the plot was decent, not really a thrilling film but I enjoyed it even though I've only seen it the one, maybe two times. I always wanted to see what happened to the Doctor and the other people who followed him to the Bow.
I think the sequal would have been a bit more decent if they would have met with the new cast members in the story line.


I always thought it was funny how much weight the ships nurse lost from when we last see her asking Gene Hackman to go with the doctors group to the time Michael Caine rescues her from the steam room-must have been quite hot in that sauna! If the makers had had the chance to make it more like the book "Beyond...", it might have been a bit better, though the tiger running loose seems quite stupid. I did like (in a goulish way)the idea of the scuba team looting the dead bodies in the dining room.


I agree with you wholeheartedly, shrink54! That was a really cool scene Gallico described in the novel, esp. the blood leaving the dead bodies when the looters cut off fingers to get the rings.

Unfortunately I read the novel before seeing the movie so was pretty disappointed in the film even though I am an avowed Poseidon nut. There's only so much a good cast can do with crizappy material.

Besides, did anyone else think it was nuts that someone would go to the trouble of shipping an AMC Gremlin on the Poseidon? It's there plain as day when the good guys and the bad guys are shooting at each other in one of the cargo holds.

"Now do you believe a dead rat can float, Lisa?"


Besides, did anyone else think it was nuts that someone would go to the trouble of shipping an AMC Gremlin on the Poseidon? It's there plain as day when the good guys and the bad guys are shooting at each other in one of the cargo holds.

When this movie was being made, it was announced that AMC had worked out a product placement deal with the producer Irwin Allen -- thus the cars hanging upside down in the cargo hold. Never mind that the Jeeps and Gremlins were new cars (circa 1978-79), while the original POSEIDON film was made in 1972 (the disaster apparently happens on New Years Eve 1971). Therefore, the original film was either somehow set in the future, or the cars in question were advanced experimental models. Either way, the cars date the film unnecessarily. The original POSEIDON seems to be set in no particular time; only the clothing, mini-skirts and such, give it only the vaguest hint of what era it takes place in. That is part of its charm and the reason it has aged well. But the sequel now looks old, and the cars will make it seem older and older as the years pass. I just may one of the stupidest product placement deals of all time. And it is made worse since AMC doesn't even exist anymore. The cars are now antiques.


Personally I neever felt that Shirley Jones was playing the same part as Sheila Mathews (Allen) from the original. I would believe a ship the size of the Poseidon would have more then one nurse on board.


I've always thought that Shirley Jones' character was a different nurse as well. She says that she's just left a hospital after being a head nurse and didn't know the ship very well since this was her first voyage. Also, when both crews enter the ship and climb down the shaft they exit on the deck where the survivors are trapped in the sauna. This would technically make them a couple of decks higher then the doctor and the other passengers. If you notice in the original, the passengers are dressed in pajamas and robes (possibly survivors from the ships hospital). It's been awhile since I've seen the this version, but I had the impression that nurse Gina was with the group caught in the sauna.


From Roger Ebert's review of "Beyond the Poseidon Adventure":

"But what do you do for a sequel?

I posed this question to Irwin Allen, creator of the Poseidon movies and "The Swarm" and "The Towering Inferno," during one sunny afternoon in Southern California when disasters were the last thing on his mind. He said he had an idea. It was, in all candor, he said, a great idea. The survivors of the Poseidon would be rescued and taken to land in Italy and be placed on a train which would go through a tunnel in the Alps, and the tunnel would collapse and everyone would be trapped under the mountain.

Irwin Allen cleared his throat modestly. What, he asked, did I think about his idea?

It was, I said, a great idea, terrific if not actually stupendous."

So Allen's orignal idea was the train Alps story line. Obviously it never got further than his head. And the film that was made is now among the worst of the last 30 years.


In the audio commentary on the new POSEIDON ADVENTURE 2 disk DVD release, Carol Lynley briefly discusses the sequel that was proposed to her. She says it took place on a train where all of the survivors were being sent to testify in court about the disaster, stop on the way to pick up a lot of European stars (Sophia Loren, etc) and then, in a large tunnel, there's a cave-in and the survivors/Euro-stars have to escape from the tunnel. Also, on the new release of the TOWERING INFERNO, there is a featurette (I don't remember which one--but made for a movie distributors convention or something) and there is a poster for BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE (with the gun logo) as well as something called "CIRCUS" (planned in 3-D), and "THE MITTY SYNDROME", which Irwin promises were all coming over the next couple of years after TOWERING INFERNO (no mention of THE SWARM or WHEN TIME RAN OUT). Very curious...


If I'm not mistaken, in GALICOS's novel, "BEYOND TPA" which he wrote a sequel to the movie version (story/script), not his original novel in which he sinks the boat, didn't the orig. story deal with the survivors from 'TPA' returning the capsized vessell for various reasons. I think MANNY came back to rescue his wife's corpse, ROGO for some mysterious reason, and so on ....and they later stumble upon the looters.

[email protected]


Yes, in the BEYOND novel (which is a sequel to the movie and not the original novel...since, in the novel, the ship sinks at the end, much like the new movie version), the male characters are forced back by terrorists and its an interesting look at what might have been. The movie BEYOND is more like the book than what Allen originally planned (see my previous post), but the BEYOND movie and BEYOND book are totally different.


In the TTI featurette, there WAS notice of "When Time Ran Out..." Originally it was going to be called "The Day the World Ended..." as it was based on the novel of the same name. And you DO see the poster for "The Day the World Ended..." so yes, that is very curious.

~In my ear it blew it's name, it sounded strange, but I heard it plain, Mistral, Mistral Wind. ~


I have also seen the Towering Inferno featurette, Circus which was planned to be in 3-D, was never made due to the unsucessful Jaws 3-D. The reason Irwin allen made movies like The Swarm was because after the Towering Inferno, he was granted more and more money so he wanted to attempt something that was bigger with more effects, more stars and more disaster, so he abandoned his original plot and made the swarm


what's interesting is the plot of a train becoming trapped in a tunnel under a mountain is very similar to the plot of the manga "Dragon Head"

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?

