As much as i love the cheesiness of this film some things have always bothered me. 1- where did that speed boat come from that was miraculously attached to Michael Caine's tug boat? 2- how convenient that they find oxygen tanks and scuba gear on board the Poseidon! 3- Wasn't it amazing that all those bottles of wine found just prior to Slim Pickens arrival, are seen in pristine condition and weren't smashed to pieces during the capsize?
To add insult to injury, the storm scene at the very beginning on "Jenny" looked so fake that even for a film 32 years old just has to be seen to be believed.


Another thing - why were the lights in the ship still on? It was established in the original that the lights were running off of backup batteries and would last a few hours at most. Even the first movie stretched credulity by having the lights last until daybreak the next day. How the *beep* could they still be on when the crew of the Jenny get aboard the Poseidon and play out their little adventure!?

Your name is of no importance and you live in the pipe in the upstairs water closet.


I thought the light was just the glow off Telly Savalas' bald head LOL
