air-rotica scene
does anyone know who the main woman in the air-rotica scene is? what's the actress' name?
sharedoes anyone know who the main woman in the air-rotica scene is? what's the actress' name?
shareSandahl Bergman
shareThe actress/dancer is Sandhal Berghman...she played Valeria in Conan the Barbarian
shareAm I mistaken, or is the "Cold Hearted Snake" video by Paula Abdul, a ripoff of the Air-Rotica scene in "All That Jazz"? I see a number of similarities...
Paula Abdul "Cold Hearted Snake"
All That Jazz "Air Rotica"
Paula would probably describe it as an homage.
When the video first came out, she did attribute the inspiration of her video to the Air-otica number on MTV.
The videos, commercials and movies that have ripped off Fosse's bag of tricks are pretty well uncountable, by this time.
I mean, i have heard radio ads and *knew* that when i saw the TV version, it was gonna be Fosse-knockoff choreography.
I don't know offhand when the Abdul video came out but if it was anytime recently then the "All That Jazz" dancer would probably have been too old.
shareI wonder if anyone else famous has ripped off Fosse's dance moves?
Dudley Dawson wrote: "I wonder if anyone else famous has ripped off Fosse's dance moves? "
Compare Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video with Bob Fosse's "Mexican Breakfast" from 1968 (at least I think it's 1968, it's somewhere around then anyway).
This clip intercuts the two dance routines and makes the relationship obvious.
Well Beyonce's videos for "Get Me Bodied" and "Single Ladies" are both Fosse inspired. "Get Me Bodied" is inspired by "Sweet Charity" and "Single Ladies" is inspired by "Mexican Breakfast". I don't know if there are others, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Also, the movie "Nine" shares many similarities and it's based on "8½" by Fellini, which, coincidentally, also influenced "All That Jazz".
Fosse ripped off Roger Daltrey's dance move
shareMichael Jackson.
shareIncidentally, Fosse played the snake in "The Little Prince".
shareYeah, but are they BOTH Sandahl Bergman? Because the woman singing at the beginning of the scene looks really different to me than the one who takes her top off during the "Air-rotica" part. The singer looks thinner to me, with a more pronounced jaw line, than the one who eventually strips.
Are they the same woman, or two different ones? Anyone know?
They both looked like Sandahl Bergman to me.
Maybe I missed something but I never got why his exwife was crying when he asked what she thought of it after the dancers were done with the number.
sharebecause it's an amazing job of choreography and he's never, ever sure it's good enough? pretty much the story of his life, there. or she's just been blown away by it and needs a few to compose herself, either/or.
shareJK asks about the reaction of Joe's ex-wife Audrey to the Air-otica number, crying and calling him a son-of-a-b----. I agree, that's open to some interpretation. I tend to think that she was moved by the artistry of the staging, but a little troubled that his "best work" is so openly sensual, and maybe concerned that such a great number had nothing to do with her, the star of the play, and would take attention away from her comeback to the stage.
shareShe's upset because the number reminds her of the loooooong line of women with whom Gideon cheated on her, and now he's just saying they didn't get him anywhere.
And if that's true, their marriage broke up for trivial reasons, and that is all the more painful.
He was inspired by the conversation he had with Leland Palmer, while she was dancing trying to show she can play a 24-year-old. She proved he can't remember the name of the girl in Philedelphia, the blonde with the TV show, that he had as a mistress. She finally tells him Dorothy, and makes fists at him. He says "Who cares? I can't remember her name." He looks inspired. "The numbers looking good. Keep working..." and leaves. Paul thinks he's going to cut Air-roica, but she says he won't but "he's going to drive me crazy."
The next scene is the new version of Air-roica. At the end of the dance, Gideon says "Then an actor comes out onstage and says" presumably new lines just created to go with the new version of the scene, so written by Gideon:
"Not once during any of our flights have we had the crash of any real human contact or the bumpiness of any real human communication. Our motto is we take you everywhere, but get you nowhere."