the book...

ok so i'm reading the book for government and i know i should not just to get a better grade but becuase its a good book

but i just dont have the time to read it i've got so many other things i have to do

so i was wondering if the movie will at least get me a decent grade??

hopefully when i get the time i will read it!!





i just read the novel for english class, then we watched the movie.
the movie leaves out alot of important details that the book didn't cover and the movie also changed the ending. so i'd probably read the book or go to spark notes or something. the movie's not that much like the novel.

and if you havent watched the movie yet.
don't watch it, its gross.
and i didn't like the book either, but i couldnt afford to not read it.
infact, im writing this thing on here for bonus points. haha

but yeah, i didn't think the book was good nor the movie. but the movie leaves so much stuff out and adds parts, so i'd just find time to read the novel.
