how did they die?
I watched the movie a couple of times, but I don't understand it at all.
How did everyone die and when int he movie?
I watched the movie a couple of times, but I don't understand it at all.
How did everyone die and when int he movie?
Like the person said before me, you couldn't have watched the movie and then ask the question. It's like saying you watched Star Wars and then ask "who is Luke Skywalker?"
If you had seen the movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" then you would know how each of the original group dies, including Paul in a very powerful ending to the movie.
They died by bullets during World War One. Happy?
shareSounds like a very bad attempt at trolling. Turning off the music while you are watching would maybe help.
shareAccording to the book.
Franz Kemmerich dies in hospital early in the book.
Joseph Behm was hit in the head or face during a general attack and got left in NO MANS LAND. Later when he came to, he started screaming and wandering around out of his mind with pain. A sniper got him.
Hai Westhus took a hit in the back the blew a hole big enough through which he could see the poor guy's lung pulsing. Himmelstoss actually brought him in to the aid station for treatment before he died. He managed to make peace with the rest of the crew over that one.
Albert Kropp got his leg amputated. Rather than go through life as a cripple, he vowed to shoot himself if he ever got his revolver back.
Detering tried to desert and go back to his farm. He got pinched by the field gendarmes and probably went to jail and possibly executed later.
Muller took a shot in the abdomen with a Very Pistol (flare) at close range. He lingered for 2 hours in excruciating agony. He left Kemmerich's boots to Tjaden.
Tjaden got shot in abdomen as well and lingered long enough to bequeath the boots to Paul Baumer
Captain Bertink got his chin blown off by a shell fragment whose force was still strong enough to rip open Leer's hip. Leer bled to death from arterial injury in just a few minutes.
Kat got hit in the head with a shell fragment while Paul was trying to take him to a field hospital. He was DOA.
Paul dies last in late 1918 by a sniper bullet. The book doesn't specifically state how. The movie shows him either trying to touch a butterfly or draw a bird, depending on which one you see.
The main character died the most ridiculous way possible. He saw a bird, while in the trench, decides to draw it and of course, get's shot
"I did not care for the Godfather" - Peter Griffin
Well, in the color movie, the imagery was supposed to make you pause.
Baumer gets busted by Kantorek for drawing a bird in class and he ridicules him for it, telling him to grow up and concentrate on adult things. At the end of the movie, after several years of carnage, we see him show his artistic side and try to draw a bird again and he gets hammered by a bullet.
The lesson is, PAY ATTENTION
The list made by poster "jastanga" was essentially correct but here is one correction (and one addition). The movie mentioned the deaths of Himmelstoss and Tjaden (off-screen), but:
1. In the book, Tjaden did not die. Before Müller died, he gave his boots (that Kemmerich gave him earlier) to Paul Baumer, and not Tjaden. Paul in turn said that Tjaden would be the next in line to have the boots in case he died. The book did not mention what happened to Tjaden. He might have survived.
2. The book did not mention what happened to Himmelstoss. Strangely, the 1930 film also killed that character (on screen in this case). Presumably, most people disliked the character.
3. The book was not explicit about what killed Baumer, though in both films a sniper's bullet did it. Since he was killed on a "quiet" day, that seemed a resonable interpretation.
In this version here's how they die...
Kemmerich is hit in the leg. They amputate and he dies.
Behm is thrown from a large truck when a bomb hits it.
Kropp eventually goes home and survives.
Muller is killed off screen while Paul and Albert are in the hospital.
I'm not sure what happened to Westhus. I must've missed his death somehow.
Lt. Bertnick is wounded and staggers out of the trenches to attack French flamethrowers. He is killed as a result.
Leer, over Paul's protests, goes out to try and help Bernick who is already dead and is machinegunned in the back.
Kat is wounded and dies as Paul carries him to the church.
Tjaden and Himmelstoss are killed on the same day off screen. (Tjaden survives in the book and is the main character in its sequel. Himmelstoss also survives in the book).
Detering is captured by MPs for desertion (Punishable by execution).
Paul is shot in the back of the head by a sniper.
Dr. Cynic Has Spoken