Use of Gas

I really liked this version, whereas in the 1930 production they had no mention of Gas warfare.
In this version in one scene they come under a gas attack. I found that scene to be very powerful! Gas was very widely used on both sides.


The mustard gas used in WW1 was horrible. The old gas mask respiration systems in those days were equally terrifying.



Very true! Looking at pictures of men equipped to handle a mustard gas attack, their entire bodies are covered, skin and all.



No, they weren't forced to match anything.

Rated R for violence, sexuality, and language.



Let them get away w...? Warfare shouldn't be reduced to simple minded revenge. Gas was a horrible weapon, yes. But its function was demoralizing, as a killing tool it was ineffective and very unpredictable and caused a lot of friendly casualties.

One lesson from every war: Nobody's a nice guy.

Rated R for violence, sexuality, and language.



"If you study WW1 history, you will find that the biggest cause of the terrible casualties on the Allied side was due to the bungling and butchery of the Allied generals!"

Rubbish, this is a stereotype pushed by those who have made no real study of the war and its conduct by the Allies. 'Lions led by Donkeys' is a total and utter myth.

In terms of deaths per division per week the Normandy campaign in ww2 was more bloody than any campaign in ww1.


"One lesson from every war: Nobody's a nice guy."

Generally true, though the allies were the 'goodies' in WWII. WWI was a war with no real villain and thousands of heroes.

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"



The point of this movie really flew past you, didn't it?



You IDIOT! Their GERMANS, NOT Huns, get it right. If the turdoff American idiots haddn't of sent their troops in they would'nt of gotten any of their men killed by Gas. Don't screw with Germany!



Dummkopf! So do the Americans with the bombing of Bagdad Half a million(500,000) women and children dead and lets not The forget the bombs at Hiroshima and Nagsaki, Another Half million! It's amazing Japan has forgiven us. ALSO
DRESDEN! look it up my good google images! Not to mention the Racisim in the US today.



I can see with your utter lack mercy and grace, you are a Republican! The Japanese are a great nation and deserve more respect than you have given them. About pearl harbor, our Predsident had fair warnings from the US secret service that an attack was coming, but he igored it...also the desision to drop the bombs on on Nagasaki and Hiroshima was compltely Evil! Have you ever herd of that old saying hmm...I don't know maybe that Jesus guy said it, hmm...let's see, thy neighbor...hmmm. Do onto others as you would your self! I'm not hanging guilt on you, just informing you (you don't seem very smart) . RESPECT your enemies, love them, be fair to them. Germany is actually very powerful nowa days...
Better ethics, Better health, BETTER president, and Better Economy! Heck we might even need Europe to help us in coming days. If you've got nothing to say good don't say any thing! You are my enemy, but I RESPECT YOU! you have offened me dearly, but I forgive you. By the way the Iraq war is a huge sham! About oil you know my good man.



I was not treating you like a damn fool, just in forming you.
I see nether of us are going to I'm calling it quits, you win.
My main point was that "HUNS" is a disrespectful term for the German nation past and present. I would like no more replies from you or myself here anymore on this topic. Thank you'

By the way Damn is spelled damn, not dam(a dam is a thing built through a river).

Don't Mess With Germany



Very good then, cheers!

Don't Mess With Germany



does anyone know anything about chem warfare mustard gas is like tear gas except lethal if inhaled.if you get it on your skin it can irrate it, but the real problem is inhaling it. if you rember from the movie that the gas follow the ground and came to settle in the fox holes and Artillery craters thats why they crawl out of the hold durring a gas attack.Hun was slang for a German durring WWI.



even non poison gas is chem warfare




And it came from the Wilhelm II's order during the Boxer Rebellion in China: "Mercy will not be shown, prisoners will not be taken. Just as a thousand years ago, the Huns under Attila won a reputation of might that lives on in legends, so may the name of Germany in China, such that no Chinese will even again dare so much as to look askance at a German."



"And you going to tell me that all Democrats and Liberals are paragons of virtue and compassion?" - burrell_dale

You mean "And you are going tell me that all Democrats and Liberals are paragons of virtue and compassion?".

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


"There is NOTHING in the Bible directing believers to act like dam FOOLS!" - burrell_dale

You mean "damn fools" not "dam fools".

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"















"You are likely to develope the attude ''NO MORE MR. NICE GUY!''" -burrell_dale

You mean "attitude" not "attude".

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"



"Crumbs, Penfold...!

Yes, poison gas WAS widely used by both sides...but never forget that it was the HUNS that used it FIRST!

After that, the Allies were forced to match the stakes and respond in kind"

We shouldn't point the finger. War brings out the monster in all man. Also calling a German a 'Hun' is somewhat offensive. Huns are not even Germanic. ;)

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"



America entered WWI mainly due to the fact the German's sank the Lusitania which was full of civillians, the German's claimed that it was also carrying weapons bound for the western front to aid the british and french, the German's were correct.

America dropped to nuclear bombs on Japan, due to the fact that they knew in a ground war that they would loose hundreds of thousands, dropping those bombs cannot be justified. The only reason it is now is because history is written from the victors perspective.

Sad Story - during the last hours of WWI when the German's knew that they lost and would officially be defeated at, the Americans,French and british also knew that peace had been signed, however that did not stop them fighting. The German's couldn't believe when the American's were still running over the trenches into no man's land when they could simply walk in peace in hours. The Allied powers were frantically trying to use all it's ammunition, so they bombed the German's for hours for no purpose, but i am sure our american friend will try and justify it.

during the final minute of the war an American soldier goes over the trench and is heading to the german trench, the German's are screaming at him telling him to go back, they continue to urge him to go back but eventually they have to kill him otherwise he could just as easily kill them, however they give him a quick death, one shot to the head. At 10.59 he officially became the last American to die during WWI.

I am well aware of the things germany has done in it's history, but i am sick of America getting away with everything, America should have had many of it's leaders in the military trialed for war crimes.


















;;;; Hrmmmm might I make a third-person view on this entire topic? I find that both parties have said many things that are true. Yes I find that going to war is scary as hell and I would do anything to stop it from happening. But I don't find it justifiable in any means to cause the death of millions just so that they don't have to face the horrors of war. For example the Korean War, might I say that the Americans also committed horrible crimes to the civilians of Korea, they have done such acts as blowing bridges with refugees and establishing 'pleasure houses' to 'increase' morale. What I am saying is that the U.S isn't always the 'good guys' in conflict, as you for some reason have made out in your earlier posts. From the views of another country and nation America is just as horrible. Let me just give an example.

1) The Vietnamese see the U.S as a evil nation, they had out of apparently joined the war without much justifiable causes (saving 'liberty' as one side calls it is not a justifiable cause). They had also destroyed their land with Carpet bombs, Chemical sprays (Actually the U.S and its allies were affected deeply by the chemical attacks), and Heavy weapon uses (Artillery, Helicopters).

The thing is, you get flags back but the nations that lose these wars gets back an obliterated nation. (I really do feel sad for those who die in combat though...) Finally my last point is that you say that they must fight like a "Man", but if my memory serves correctly, isn't all wars fought like that? You say that people should fight like men, and not hiding behind civillians. But I seem to remember that the American Revolution was the exact same. American soldiers hid behind civillian homes and other areas while the British demanded the Americans to fight like 'Men'. Kind of ironic wouldn't you say? For the British also killed American civillians because they did not want to send 'Young' men back home in a coffin (or a flag). History time and time repeats its lesson. War is nothing justifiable, revenge is not justifiable, and finally there is no 'good' sides to war.

Even though I write this your point of view is also quite informative and 'right'(couldn't find the word in my head... its on the tip of my tounge). Your a Vietnam war veteran and I honour that, but I also should like to say that it shouldn't go to your head. Thanks for reading this and even if you didn't thanks anyways...

p.s Burell_dale you should reduce your Capitalized letters because it makes you sound very angry. (you might be) I noticed that even though I tried to read the opinions without much prejudice your Capitalized letterings made you seem like an Angry Fool and made it harder for me to take you seriously.

* After reading it over I realized it was sort of biased...



War is brutal, indeed and two answer the two questions

1) In my opinion I find that even fighting in war itself is not justifiable (yes it is naive) but the reasoning behind this thinking is because if no-one answered the calls to the leaders there would be no war. The reason war erupts between nation is because of political strife, most of the time the people have no say in these matters. The people are only fighting because its on a basis of who hits first kind of thing. Propaganda is spread to instill fear into the masses and finally when these fears run high, the people rise to counter this 'threat'. Ofcourse from a political view that would be almost impossible...

2) Hrmmmm since my first answer was vague I would like to answer the second question as well. Weapons of mass destruction is something that is completely different from a person killing to end the war. Until the development of chemical warfare in the early 1900s war was basically fought with two opposing armies facing each other on an area of combat (Ex: Civil war, the African tank battles). There was a problem when killing civillians in war, Morale was affected and pyschological problems arose from soldiers. With the advent of chemical warfare and weapons of mass destruction (In this case bombs and incendiaries) the war was no longer concentrated in the battlefield. Civillians became prime targets for these attacks because not only did it reduce production but it also got rid of the potential 'threat' that could arise from them. These kinds of weapon was 'beneficial' to its user because precious 'resources' such as fighting men and ammunition could be saved. War didn't end quickly, the current war was over yes, but for the people who live in the destoryed area life becomes a war itself.

If that kind of thinking, however, continued. There would be an extremely dangerous problem at hand, nations will begin accepting the use of these weapons. An example would be the U.S, they had won the war against Imperial Japan using the Atomic bomb, soon after they had justified the use of these bombs because it was 'better' for 'their men'. Soon the U.S begins producing more warheads to make sure that future wars are 'better' and 'easier'. The Russians follow by saying that because the U.S was making these weapons they too had the right to be treated equally (so they produced some too). After the Cold war was over it was agreed that nuclear weapons were to be 'reduced' not removed. The reason was again 'just in case'. Soon other nations noticed that both the U.S and USSR were powerful nations because no one dared to attack them directly in fear of a Nuclear strike. Many nations in secret began creating weapons. These weapons are now in possession in countries such as China, North Korea, Pakistan, India, and quite possibly some nations in Southern Africa. It is undeniable that the number of nuclear weapons will only increase, and quite possible that many if not all nations in the world will possess a Nuclear weapon. Then comes the bad part, soldiers are no longer required because now the world can wage wars using Nuclear powers, blowing them up before they can field any equipment. That kind of offensive is ofcourse only countered by Nuclear weapons. Soon the world is at end.

(Phew long example)

Weapons are never humane, they shouldn't have existed in the first place. But it is sad to know that it is Human nature to fight, for we were bred to fight. (Better grades, better strength, better looks)

Thank you Edjohn for your questions, this is only my opinion and I hope it helps. It is in no way however, a lesson but it is only a point of view.


To put is bluntly, PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLL.

Burrell Dale has his opinions, and so do the rest of you.

If one (or, preferably both) of you would JUST DROP IT, then maybe this thread could continue on with its intended purpose, which is to discuss GAS AND CHEMICAL WARFARE instead of whether Bill Clinton should have been executed for his inabilty to keep his hands to himself.

The more you people pester Burrell Dale, the more you're giving him the attention he wants.

So make everyone's posting experience a little better and PLEASE SHUT UP.

Thank you!








Isn't it funny that when some people on IMDB disagree with you they point out spelling errors and typing errors? How pathetically petty!

I will play by your rules and correct your grammatical errors, Mr Burrell.

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"



Most of the errors were made by you; we all make mistakes.

The Count

P.S. 'Graf' is indeed the German form of a 'Count', though I don't really see what it has to do with anything. The same goes for the Einstein quote in my signature.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"



Actually I don't. I work for most of the week. I only post on here when I have some writing work to do. I can multi-task like most intelligent creatures...

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


Wow, Burrell Dale. You should use that mind of yours to defend yourself more avidly!
It is for me completly incomprehensible that you allowed yourself to be submitted to such a beating.
Tho, it might not be clear to you what Edjohn66 did to you. It certainly is to me. (And in a different way, everyone else.)

Let me explain:

During the entire debate you spent your time talking to a mirror.
->EVERYTHING<- you said, Edjohn66 used his clever mind. Too turn your words into a mirrorimage of what you stated.
Cutting and pasting your phrases and putting them in new contexts. Using rethorical tricks like wordcutting.
Using every possible mean to undermine your standpoints, and trying to make you look incompetent.
He does not himself belive what hes saying. He just thrills upon doing it.


"And when I think about what was happening at about that time in Auswitz, when they were throwing children into the furnaces ALIVE!...
I find it IMPOSSIBLE to feel sorry for DRESDEN!"

I'm sorry, did the civilians of Dresden run Auschwitz?
Did the women and children who were baked alive in their bomb shelters actually run the gas chambers? No?
Then how is throwing children into furnaces in Auschwitz any worse or better than baking human beings alive at Dresden?

- Here, he even goes as far as defending the Holocaust, as too undermine you. Shamefully but effective.

I might not call it "an eye for an eye".
I prefer to call it "fighting fire with fire."
A favorite Viet Cong tactic was using women and children as shields. When you are fighting an enemy that uses your own decency as a wepeon against you,
your blood is likely to run cold after a while. You are likely to develope the attude
"NO MORE MR. NICE GUY!" That is human nature!

And yet you freely advocate "fighting fire with fire." So which is the more important excuse for you?
Because at some point, if we truly "fight fire with fire," then our actions become indistinguishable from our enemies;
in which case the "our attrocities aren't as bad as theirs" argument becomes moot.

- A deliberate misconstrution. Turning the term "fighting fire with fire." into a black and white concept. And applying it out of context.
!= Proving that Burrell contradicts himself.

It goes on and on. Nearly every sentance he spews out are venomous, and awnsers to misconstrued versions of your statements. Taking full advantage
of your somewhat clumsy use of words. And ofcourse, is always on the opposite side, in every single argument posted by You. No exceptions.

At the end of the conversation he knows that he has succeded, your in total defence. He resorts to just question your knowledge, sanity
and beeing plainly insolent.
Hes powertripping!

I urge you (and everyone else reading) to print out and study Edjohn66´s entire conversation.
It is adventurous and rewarding to dwell within the mind of a manipulative psychopath.
At first, he might appear to some, as a semi-intellectual human being.
But a second glance reveals, he is nothing but a snake!

A snake that feeds his ego by abusing people like Burrel Dale.

I hope you get this message even tho the conversation took place ten months ago.

-Regards, Kenth.

PS. Burrel, do not think for a second that because of this, you were completely correct in your viewpoints. You wern´t, but then again, no one is.
Especialy not the snakes.

DS. Forgive my spelling.








War brings out the worst in people.. Unfortunately, so does IMDB message boards ;)

For that fascist earlier that urged the iraquis to come out and fight like men, well, I must admit i haven't seen any sportsmanship from the US side either.. now, if you had given the iraquis a few stealth bombers, some tanks, cluster bombs, a few million modern firearms, some battleships, transporting methods to get over to the US so they could capture the flag as well, maybe a few variations of missiles and a nuke or two for good measures, I'm sure they would've played a bit more fair. Besides, you're an invading force, not the attacked party. I don't even know how the Iraqi war came into this discussion, as the Great War had very little in common with the war of today.. The Great War was inevitable, it would've gotten to that point, no matter if some crazy serb shot the archduke or not.
The war in Iraq was chosen strategically, you guys invaded them, and this reminds me more of WW2, to be honest without drawing the obvious comparizon between a certain austrian politician and your beloved president.

What are you guys doing down there anyway? You can blame your ever so retarded government for your losses, not the arabs. So the next time you see a picture on the TV where there's a coffin with a flag on it, if they're even showing that on the TV these days, remember that in your next election.

My two cents. or five. or whatever



- The TERRORIST SCUM in Iraq is a HELL of a lot better equipped than Omar Muhktar's forces were!!!!!

And the US is a LOT better equipped than the iraqis were. Besides, they were legitimate forces, not terrorists, you indoctrinated little man.

- REALLY? I suppose the September 11th tragedy did not qualify as an ATTACK on the U.S.????

Since when was Iraq involved in this one? So you mean that the US is entitled to attack any islamic country it wants because one crazed fundamentalist and his mates pulls off a stunt like this one?

Watch a little less national TV, kiddo, it's not good for you.


Couldn't care less, if you guys had invaded us in overwhelming numbers, i'd probably do the same.

Frankly, if *I* had been President, *I* would have brought out the TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEPEONS at THAT point...

You should bring out some tactical SPELLING before you do that, and a little less caps lock.. The US have had way too many murderous bastards on the throne for the last 100 years, so just give it some time, it wouldnt surprise me if G. does the same.

The WORST thing Bush can be criticized for is for NOT hitting the terrorist SCUM in Iraq with EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT!
American forces have to act like a bunch of goody-goody two shoes, while the terrorist scum is allowed to do as they DAM PLEASE!
EVERY MOVE that the Americans make is picked apart and second-guessed, while the terrorist SCUM is literally allowed to get away with MURDER...!
We ought to STOP fighting that war with our hands TIED....we would lose a lot FEWER Americans!

If you compare the numbers between people fallen soldiers and fallen muslims, i'm quite sure you're outnumbered.. In fact, i think even the CIVILIAN casualties might outnumber you. You guys murder and torture a lot too, perhaps even more so, don't blame the 'terrorists' for doing that as well.

The U.S. COULD have bombed Falusia into the ground FIRST, and THEN sent the U.S. ground forces in---if we HAD done that, a heck of a lot of families in the U.S. would have gotten back a son or a daughter instead of a flag-draped CASKET!

Hello.. you're talking about bombing a city before sending in US troops.. You shouldn't point your finger at the paramilitaries, calling THEM murderous, when you're displaying a sociopathical strategy that would make Joseph Stalin proud. Besides, I don't get it.. Which part of the fact that people actually gets KILLED in war is so hard to understand? If america wants to play with fire, it might get burnt.

How MUCH is Al-Qeada PAYING you?

How much is Hitler paying YOU?


I am overwhelmed of how clever your statements are. Why don't you go play with Lego.



This was just WAY too much text in caps lock, so I'll skip to the last part. I am not defending those creeps, i am merely condoning your actions, like most people outside the US seems to do.

Hitler is probably not in hell, as I believe religion is a bad thing, it has kept on ruining the world since day one. The Al Queda doesn't pay me to have opinions, and I am sorry they're not in sync with yours, but to be honest, I care as far as i can throw France. War is a nasty thing that shouldn't be, that's news as old as Troy, but that doesn't make your cause more righteous than the opposing forces. Either they came out and "fought like men" or surrendered, the result would be the same, as you guys are WAY technologically superior to them.

If you had a criminal hiding in your city, how would you like to have a warning that your home would be reduced to rubble in 72 hours if he didn't show up, something that he would be unlikely to do, when he knew that he'd be killed if he did?

Besides, the fact that Saddam wasn't sorry for what happened, doesn't make him nor the population of Iraq guilty of the charge. The guys over there might use road side bombs and primitive stuff like that, yes, but then again, they can't afford cluster bombs or predator planes.



One day, the Burrel Dale's of this world will be gone & it will be for the better. I'm suspecting he's a Vietnam vet hell bent on revenge (on everybody). Either way, he's a champion internet troll who's managed to keep a thread going for over a year, well done Dale (that red-neck from king Of The Hill?), I take my hat off to ya.
I apologize for feeding him. :)

Zeig Heil Zeig Heil Zeig Heil...
Bonzai Bonzai Bonzai...

Funniest part in this thread is this....

Burrel Dale said:
Frankly, if *I* had been President, *I* would have brought out the TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEPEONS at THAT point...

Somebody replied:
You should bring out some tactical SPELLING before you do that, and a little less caps lock..

HAHAHAHAHA classic, I'm still loling hard, outstanding work. :))







"....isn't all wars fought like that?" - burrell_dale

I think you mean "aren't all wars fought like that?".

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"



"Thanks for reading this and even if you didn't thanks anyways..." - burrell_dale

I think you mean "thanks anyway" not "thanks anyways".

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"
