The pit

Would you guys have gone into that deep pit on the derelict spaceship? They already went in the ship, I think they would have been good on their contract. That pit looked really scary just from the Space Jockey room. The only problem would be if Ash found out about the pit, he might insist they explore it.


My first instinct is to respond that they're space explorers and it's in their nature. But they're not. They're miners just trying to work a job and get their pay.

I would have gone in the pit, because that's my nature. I didn't come all the way here to not look at everything.

But given what we see in the movie, these are the types to fulfill their obligation and get going.


They're eggsplorers, you say?


Yes, but given what we see on the screen, they're not likely to hatch a plan to crack any mysteries here.


All the company wanted was for them to have some face time with the alien.
