MovieChat Forums > Alien (1979) Discussion > A question for all

A question for all

So, my sister wants to see this movie. She's almost 14 and she has seen many horror movies before. I want to know if this movie would be considered "okay" for someone her age. (The movies she has seen before is PG-13 or less. But some of the movies can be a tad bloody, too).


Here's a site that gives parents' comments on Alien regarding letting their kids watch it.....

Inger, you must rot, because the times are rotten.


Okay, thank you! She'll probably want to see it, so I'm glad to see that she might be okay to see it.


Kids see far worse just on regular TV nowadays.

The film is more "anticipation scary" than "in-your-face gore scary"

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I first saw it when I was 9, my 11yo step-son really wants to watch it and I think he'd be ok but my wife says not until he's 12 - which I think is a bit strict... but, she's the boss!

I'd say a normal 14yo would be totally fine with this, no worse than Jaws in the violence and fear factor and that was rated PG here...


I watched it when I was 5 or 6. My uncle used to babysit me while my mother was at work, and his babysitting technique consisted of letting me watch his collection of inappropriate-for-young-children film collection.

Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Terminator, Terminator 2, Predator, and so on and so on.

It scarred me for life, but I wouldn't change a thing. When Ripley says to the alien "you've been a part of my life for so long, I can't remember anything before" in Alien 3, that applies to me too. Those aliens have been terrifying me ever since I was 5 or 6 years old.

I had a blast playing Alien: Isolation because of this.


I believe a 14 year old can handle viewing Alien and Aliens. There is profanity, but it's not like the Samuel L. Jackson kind of cursing. As I recall there's no nudity, but there are scenes where the characters, both male and female, are seen in their underwear. There are also some lines that are a little risqué. I have a 15 year old and I would allow him to watch either movie. I think I first saw both movies with my dad when I was 11 or 12.


It depends on the individual 14 year old. My niece is fifteen and she would run screaming from the room if she saw the facehugger scene, never mind the chestburster moment!😨

She won't watch anything remotely scary, not even those shows made for kids like "Goosebumps."

So you have to judge for yourself if the young person can handle something this intense. Some kids are too sensitive.
