degas: I agree. The Alien in the first movie is far more terrifying because of it's malevolent nature. It was patient, methodical, and above all else effective. I believe it would sit and wait for the crew to come to it. Not once in this film did the Alien "chase" it's victims in any way. Even when it was in the shuttle it did not pursue Ripley. It would seize on the opportunity to capture or kill as it was presented. It also seemed to know how to maneuver around the ship undetected and unseen by the crew. The damned thing was smart and that made it dangerous. As far as Ripley is concerned she was very, very lucky indeed. It was totally the luck of the draw that she didn't go into the Alien ship. It was lucky for her that she DIDN'T go into the air ducts and suffer Dallas' fate. The one scene that truly shows how lucky Ripley really was the scene where she, Parker and Lambert are separated getting ready to take off on the shuttle. She's looking for a cat. She had "kill me" written all over her. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure that's what audiences were thinking. But through luck, the grace of God, whatever you want to call it Parker and Lambert wound up dead instead of Ripley. Now she did go into panic mode after that. That's when she began the detonation of the ship which I have always thought was a mistake she made due to her panicked state. I think that what impressed people about that whole surviving thing was that it was a woman who was the "last man standing". This was unusual 40 years ago and it was a big deal. Ripley became a feminist icon at that point. As for Ripley becoming a hero, well I don't think that really took off until the sequel Aliens. She was a feminist symbol because of Alien, but after Aliens she was a total bad ass. The character did some things that not a lot of people would have done. She went back to LV-426. A lot of people would not have done that. Ripley went into a nest of hostile aliens to save a little girl who should have already been dead. She battled mama Alien to save Newt's life one more time. I prefer Alien over Aliens for a number of reasons. That being said there is no denying that James Cameron took Ripley to Goddess level with Aliens. She wasn't unstoppable, but she was determined and strong. People responded to that.