Marjory + other minors
Excepting Audrey & Richard, who's everyone's favourite character? I realise that's quite a limiting question, but there are quite a few: Marjory, Mrs Pou, Brabinger, the Rector, Ned, the Brigadier? Mine's got to be Mrs Pou, she's so funny, & good on her for trying to push Audrey & Richard together!
Did anyone else find Marjory a bit annoying? Okay, she's a great & loyal friend to Audrey, but she seems to me like such a goody-two-shoes. I mean, all she seems to do is visit Audrey & work for good causes - not that I'm saying that's a bad thing, but doesn't she have anything else to do? Where does she get her money from? I admit Audrey doesn't do much either, but she's presumably living off what Marton left her. And the way Marjory fawns all over Richard is sickening. Obviously he's a wonderful guy - I certainly wouldn't say no to him, & I'm about twenty years younger than he is in the series! - but she is so obvious about it, agreeing with everything he says & gazing at him adoringly. Yeuch.
Catriona x
"Fate shuffles the cards and we play" (Schopenhauer)