
Please, don't say that I am sick minded or have a dirty mouth (because I don't). I only want to confirm this and hopefully I'm proved wrong. In the last episode of the bolar wars series right when the Bolar Federation fires the Simulated Black Hole Gun at them... When the black hole takes ahold of the Argo I swear that Derek Wildstar mutters the F-Word. I just find this very strange for a television series that we americans tried so hard to water down. Perhaps it's my speakers or the quality of video on Cinema Now but has anyone else heard or seen this?


I know what you heard too. It is actually "Bucking" as in "Bucking Bronco". The dub isn't the greatest quality and the voice actor is try to sound as if the charector is straining. Took me by surprise, I actually ran it thought some editing gear to clean it up.


Are you absolutely sure? This is during the Third season's last episode.
Bolar Leader: Fire the Simulated Black Hole Gun!
(It fires)
(Black Hole after forming gets ahold of argo)
Derek Wildstar: $*#& get us out!
I have a feeling that you may be thinking of the first season when they're flying through the octopus star storm when venture says "It's like a bucking bronco". I just want to confirm this and make sure you're not refering to the first season.
