From what I hear, Disney picked up the rights to a live action version of Star Blazers but their version in mind was terrible. Now, If you were in charge how would you have your version of the movie done? Would you keep the original names of the characters, ships, ect... Who would direct it, who would act as the main characters? Would you use CGI or models? Which story (Iscandar, Comet Empire, or Bolar) would you cover? And what other little extras or "twists" would you add in? People here have some good ideas and let's hear some that were better than Disney! If anyone was to make this, let it be true fans who love the series and not a cash hungry company of spinoff artists!
In reply to the three questions, 1) Yes, it was a converted WWII battleship 2) It was the Yamato 3) Personally, I think a movie would be better. We don't want to replace the anime TV series. But come on! Let's hear those ideas!
If you're going to make a Starblazers movie, MAKE A STARBLAZERS MOVIE! None of this changing the characters--or even the ship--stuff that Disney was going to do. (The movie never got made because no doubt somebody came along who loved the show, saw what they were doing, and said, "are you crazy??")
Yes, keep the characters--and keep those great, bell-bottom uniforms with anchors on them!
You bet they should build their ship out of the Yamato, and I think they should keep it the Yamato, even though in the "Starblazers" I grew up on, strictly speaking, it was "rechristened" the Argo.
Iscandar is the better story to make a movie out of, because it introduces everyone and it is a journey story that allows for adventure and action in ways Comet Empire doesn't--and since Bolar War didn't use the original cast for voices a lot of fans hate it, so there would be "box office poison" associated with it.
There's a lot of subtext here. The Arizona was not merely an American ship, or even simply sunk at Pearl Harbor. Still, it seems to me the true basis for considering naming the ship "Arizona" is because in a later series/movie a ship by that name appeared.
(This might seem to be sticking it to the Japanese after the original makers stuck it to the US, choosing a Japanese ship, focusing on a continent that looked suspiciously like Japan, having the earth bombed with nuclear radiation, the Gamilons having a bomb that looked suspiciously like the atomic weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...) Argo, however, neutralized it a bit, yet in an appropriate way, by drawing on Jason's ship and his quest for the golden fleece.
Ok if I was to do a americanized Yamato movie it would be like this. It would definently be journey to Iscandar. It would be a trilogy with the first movie ending with the battle of pluto and the asteroid defense . I will only be covering the first movie here.
I would start the movie a view of the earth. Its blue and pristine and peaceful. all of a sudden we hear a voice over that says " In the year 2074 we found out we were not alone." Then we see images of Planet bomb's hitting the earth turning it a desolate brown. There is a brief introduction telling of the plight of humanity. And that takes straight to the battle for the Moon
Characters would be combination of american and japanese names.
1. Derrek Wildstar would become Cody Wildstar. The reason for this is because the japanese character's name is Kodai. Its a nice shout out to the source material. The character would be virtually the same. He lose's his brother at the battle for the Moon and blames the captain for his death. He's a hothead who learns to temper this to become a great leader.
2.Mark Venture becomes Mark Shima. Born of Japanese heritage Mark is Cody's best friend. He is the Helmsman aboard the Yamato and somewhat of a overachiever.He doubts his abilites to be helmsman. He also collects items of military history. His great, great grandfather was the first helmsman aboard the Yamato. Thus there is a proud family tradition within the Shima clan
3. Captain Avatar becomes, Captain Sean Occara. the reason for the name change is because in japanese his name is Captain Okita. He's a very introspective captain with a brillan tactical mind. For years he was the commander of the Avatar, flagship of the Starforce. When the rest of the Starforce is wiped out it was his brillance which kept his ship safe. Occara's son was lost in battle a number of years ago, so he took a Alex wildstar under his wing as a surrogate. Occara has been described as almost priestly. He has a great respect for life. Orion tells Cody that" Occara was chosen for the mission specificaly for this reason. He wont order people to die needlesly. And he will always try to return home."
4. Nova becomes Dr Marilyn Saffer or Mari for short. She also has the Nickname Nova which was given to her by her schoolmates, but only people she likes can call her that. Of all the character's I took the most liberty's with Nova. I feel that in this day and age she just didnt fit. So I made her the chief Scientist aboard the Yamato. She's also something of a child prodigy. She's a civillian which will sometimes put her at odds with the chain of command. She is the number one expert in Wave motion tech and xenobiology. She's basicaly the person who spews all the annoying techno babble. She feels drawn to Cody but ignores it initially. trying to keep herself focused on the mission knowing that the chances they are comming back are slim to none.
5. Dr Sane becomes Dr Albert Zane. Last in his class at medical school, Albert was originaly a veterinarian. When the need for real doctor's arose he gave up tending animals and joined starforce. He has a horrible drinking problem and even a worse bedside manner.
6. Terry Orion. Terry is one of Occara's oldest comrades having served with him aboard the Avatar. He is the chief engineer of the Yamato. And he will do his duty no matter what the cost. He is constantly missing his two grandchildren who he left on earth.
5. All the rest of the characters are probaly the same. The movie would focus primarily on Cody, Mark, Occara, and Nova. The Ship would be the Yamato and would follow the first 10 episode's pretty closely. There would be some changes to make it more realistic. The movie would start with the Battle of the moon, which would have Alex's death along with the arrival of Queen Sansha from Iscandar. Mark and Cody would retrive the message and fly back to earth. The rest of the Starforce would be eliminated in a battle. Marks fighter would be shot down over the final resting place of the Yamato. We would see the rusting hulk of a ship while mark give's exposition on its history. Mark and Cody are taken to a hospital in a underground city where Occara is being fixed. Occara tells Cody that his brother died bravely. Cody becomes angry at Occara and there is a altercation, Occara walks away. Next scene we see a briefing room where Nova and the top brass of Starforce watch a holographic recording of Queen Starsha's offer to give the people of earth Cosmo DNA if they can reach her planet which lie's in the Large Magellanic cloud which is 160,000 light years away. Starsha gives as a gift the wave motion engine. A device capable of granting faster then light travel.
After that we have the scene where Occara orders Cody and Shima to the Yamato and the ship takes off for the first time. We the old hulk shaking off its rust and becoming a sleek looking battleship with a giant hole in the front on the prow. It destroys a mothership which was sent to spy on the ship.
Then theres the briefing scene when the crew of the Yamato are told that the earth only has 365 days left. Nova tells everyone about Starsha's message and what it can mean. Ocaara tells the members of Starforce that they dont have to volunteer. yet to a person everyone stays. The soldiers march to the waiting yamato while their loved ones say goodbye. this is identical to the Tv series.
Yamato lifts off and destroys the planet bomb. It is attacked by a fleet ships guarding the moon. Nova makes calculations in order to warp space while Cody and the Black tigers fight a fierce battle outside. Mark must manualy make the jump with his instruments. After a tense few seconds they then warp to jupiter. leaving behind the enemy fleet. Mark has a wonderful scene where he confess's how he doesnt think he is cut out to be the pilot of the Yamato. Cody reassures him, telling him he's doing a great job. the Yamato find's a country sized Alien relic lies just inside jupiters clouds. They are attacked by a Garrison of ships. Yamato use's Wave motion gun and complteley destroys Alien artifact. Yamato is damaged and lands on Io where the Starforce goes out to find a special metal. there Cody finds the remains of his brother's Ship, and his brothers gun. He is ambushed by Gamilon troops who were hiding in the area and He saves nova's life yet is grazed in the arm. Dr Zane patches him up. Cody tells Occara about the ship but Occara is silent only speaking 2 words " No survivors?"
Yamato takes off and heads for Pluto. The gamilons launch their planet bombs from their and have a large base. The commander of pluto use's a satelite weapon to damage yamato. Yamato trys to fire Wave motion gun, but it was damaged in attack. Yamato is attacked by Satelite weapon again and begin's losing altitude. It crashes into the plutonian ocean which the Gamilons had created. The Gamilons think it is sinking but that is really a ruse. when enemy subs attack the yamato unleash's it firepower. Cody leads a daring attack on the Satelite weapon, while Mark keep's the Yamato surfacing and Sinking as a decoy. a great deal of crewmembers are killed when the satelite weapon hit's the side of the ship. Yet in the nick of time Cody destroys the weapon. The yamato flys into the air and attacks the base, setting off all the planet bombs in the process. The pluto base is destroyed. Yamato flys off with the remanants of the Pluto base fleet in pursuit. Yamato is heavily damaged and finds the debris of the tenth planet of our solar system, Its now an asteroid belt. Nova comes up with a revolutionary idea of using Anti gravity technology to create a defense screen. Cody helps with the reapairs as he sees a fleet of ships comming towards them. The Yamato ducks into the asteroid field using the Asteroid defense to cover them with rock. they hide in the field. Gamilons discover them and attack. Yamato uses asteroids as a ring destroying ships with them, there is a massive battle. In the end the leader of the Pluto outpost orders his fleet to ram the Yamato. In the end the Starforce is victorious. The Solar system is liberated at last. everybody cheers on the bridge, Nova hugs cody then quicky backs off. However there is a transmission that states people are dying quicker then ever on earth and the Yamato must hurry. The final thing we see is this
Ext Earth-
We see hanging in space the brown planet earth. camera begins to mover towards the sickly planet. it dips down into a canyon then show's us a underground city the size of New York. It has something growing on the walls, something is causing it to mutate. We see images of people in hospital beds, hundred's of them. Yet finnaly we see a huge number on the screen that says 330. The camera moves towards making it bigger until we go through the zero. Then we fade to black
V.O. In the underground cities of earth, humanity is fighting a losing battle. The alien radition continues to seep downwards mutating what it comes in contact with. and now 10% of the population is poisoned. Yamato has been gone just over a month, but it maybe too late. Hurry Starforce!! you have only 330 days left before the human race becomes extinct.
Special effects would be CG and model work. I dont know who would act. But this is my idea for a big budget Yamato movie. The feel would be similiar to something like the new Battelstar galactica or Babylon5. It would be gritty and realistic. It would be reverential to the source material in the same way that Lord of the rings was. It would have changes, but they would be minimal. It would be a space epic unlike anything anyone had ever seen. It would be character based just like something like Serenity. We would know and care about these people. When in the next movie Occara get's sick, the audience will be moved to tears. I would want real emotional depth wrung from every character. I would also want the Creator's blessing. I would tell him I would change things for a western audience but I would keep the spirit of the show very much alive.
If I could choose a director I think I would have to have someone who can do Special e/fx and can direct actors well. I think I would go after Peter Jackson.
Peter knows epic and he knows emotion. He also knows Richard Taylor and Bernard Hill. which is all very good. hey Liv Tyler for Nova anyone???
Though maybe Wolfgang Peterson. He directed Das boot
Well this is the plan for the first Star Blazers movie. My deepest fantasy is that somebody from the film come's and reads this and say's good idea. Hope you all enjoyed. I know I had a blast writing this.
thanks guys. I am currently watching the original space battleship yamato. And have gotten caught up into it again. Star Blazers was the first anime I saw. I was only 7 and it gave me a love for anime that has lasted my whole life. I have been thinking of how do to a Amercainzied Yamato without sacraficing its depth. I also dont want to alientate Star Blazers fans. Star Blazer isnt a cartoon, Its an epic that has been ripped off by all the greatest western sci-fi shows. It would have to be treated as a epic.
A Tv show would be great, but it would have to have a substantial budget. I think that Sci-fi probaly wouldnt be able pay for it. But maybe now that they are owned by NBC they might get the money for it. Well I know I would watch it. Heck they already made a series called Crusade LOL. Yes I am a huge B5 fan.
Ratesforless that was some very good dialogue. I think they should just hire us to write the movie. Though my deepest hope is that the producers lurk here and get some ideas. We dont anothers Disney fiasco with the USS Arizona
You brought up an interesting point Ratesforless. You mentioned that BSG has a bigger following then Yamato, And you are so very correct. Unfortunatley right now Space based Sci-fi isnt all that popular. Star trek is on life support, Serenity didnt do all too well. BSG seems to be the only thing that is keeping Space based sci-fi alive. SO how do you market a movie of TV show about a huge ressurected japanese battleship that flys in space??
OK I am going too put up the Synopsis for Movie 2 soon. One thing I was thinking, for realism issues. Should the Yamato leave the Galaxy?? Should Iscandar and Gamilon be in the Magellanic cloud region?? The Milky way is huge, and theres not alot of stuff between galaxies. though the idea of the Yamato traveling through darkness with no stars to light its way is appealing. Anyhow just a thought.
Thanks for the compliments. I think I got inspired from your piece on Movie 1 and couldn't stop typing. I love these ideas that we are coming across here. I was merely trying to bridge a few gaps as far as Iscandar, Gamilon, why Earth was so unprepared for a pending attack, and so on. I have written about five more pages worth since then so I just might have an entire screenplay by the time the movie comes out in 2008 (at least that's what the database here says when you look for Star Blazers).
As for the dying genre of Sci-Fi movies, I think it was because of the oversaturation of it in the 90s. Think about it; we had Star Trek TNG, Deep Space Nine, B-5, Andromeda, and dozens of other shows to hit the airwaves, not to mention the Star Trek sequels and the Star Wars relaunches, followed by Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and the pitifully done Lost in Space. How many of these movies were actually good, especially when compared to all of the disaster movies that also came out at the same time? People just got tired of it because they've been there and done that.
What would set Star Blazers apart from the rest of them is the human element that would be involved. The entire human race's hopes rely on several hundred people led by a gravely ill captain in a retrofitted 250-year old battleship from a war many of them have only heard about while sleeping in history class. You have the battles in space and on the ship as the crew get their first taste in deep space, which for most part, is ruled by Desslok and the Gamilons. No Earth in sight, no moon, no sun. People back home are dropping bubonic plague-style as radiation penetrates deeper into the Earth's underbelly, which causes a panic of unprecedented proportions when rumors of the Yamato's demise circles around the underground cities after communications is cut off. On the surface, nature is being unleashed as never before (F-7 radioactively spun tornados, carnivorous wilderbeasts, 155 degree temperatures in the shade) while under the surface, complete chaos. No doubt, one could focus some attention on a few people in the cities pooling together their resources and illegal weapons to take advantage of the panic and lack of government control by attempting to build a ship on its own to leave the planet and millions who aren't a part of their program behind. You have all of these storylines and then some; what could be better?
If done right, this has all the potential to be mentioned with Star Wars and Star Trek epics as one of the greatest space movies of all time. Put this in theaters on an Independence Day weekend and watch the wallets fly open.
"5. Dr Sane becomes Dr Albert Zane. Last in his class at medical school, Albert was originaly a veterinarian. When the need for real doctor's arose he gave up tending animals and joined starforce. He has a horrible drinking problem and even a worse bedside manner."
I'm sorry, what???
Did you actually read what you wrote? Who in their right mind would hire a drunken vet with a bad attitude who finished last in his class to tend the only people capable of saving Earth from anhialation? The Gamilons won't need to attack the Starforce. Zane'll kill the crew out of incompetence.
Also the name changes are sure to confuse every SB fan who'd come out to see the movie.
"Who's Cody?" "Derek." "And Ocara?" "Avatar." "But they were talking about Avatar." "That's a ship." "Oh. <sigh> Is there a reference card I can use?"
IMHO, Star Blazers is bigger than a 2-hour picture; it deserves its own series on Sci-Fi or one of the other cable networks. It already has three seasons worth of storylines that few people outside of its fans fully know about. Besides, if Battlestar Galactica can get one, why not Star Blazers? It already have a bigger fanbase than BG does right now and that doesn't include the Japanese fans who would go nuts over it if its done right; it would be an instant hit, especially if they don't go fully 'Hollywood' and ruin it.
As far as which story to start with first, Iscandar is DEFINITELY the first choice of Star Blazers I would cover. The constant race to save all of mankind and the struggles involved has all the potential to pull the heart strings on anyone, regardless of their point of view. I would keep all of the original characters and plots with a few changes, courtesy of the neighborhood CGI graphics. I would also start well before 2199. I would also want them to start with, oh, who am I kidding, time to play scriptwriter.....
The year is 2146. Unbeknownst to the people of Earth, a war of an unprecedented nature is being fought thousands of light-years away from Earth's solar system. For thousands of years, the planet of Iscandar has reaped the benefits of its advanced science and, in particular, its wave technology. It is this technology that has made them the envy of other planets throughout the universe. That all changed over three hundred years ago when a small Gamilon faction of the Comet Empire, disgruntled over the lack of movement from its leaders, were exiled to a small, uninhabited planet next to Iscandar. At first, there was a peaceful accord amongst the two as Iscandar, with its technology, helped the Gamilons settle into their new home. As centuries passed and leadership changed hands however, the Gamilons began to assert their power, much to the dismay of its neighboring planet. The longtime peace accord was bound to be broken. Under Leader Tangill of the Gamilons, the first shots were fired in 2138. The Iscandarians were completed caught off guard and hundreds of thousands were killed before the first counterattack could be launched. The ensuing battles would be costly for both….
‘There isn’t much more we can do to stop them. It’s a matter of simple numbers, they have more’, explained Ramos of the Iscandarian council. ‘They’ve wiped out 90% of our defense forces with their reflex guns and other hideous forms of weaponry.’
‘That’s because we’re a race of scientists and they’re a race of barbarians’, answered Antinet. ‘They’re not out to destroy our planet, they’re just out to get the rest of our technology so they can go on a galactic conquest for power. Do you honestly think they would stop with us if we give up the ghost now? We have to keep the rest of the galaxy in mind when we fight them. There are planets far less advanced than ours who would be easy pickings for the Gamilons if we were to turn tail and surrender.’
‘It’s just reprehensible that a group of exiles our ancestors helped, when no one else would bother, would turn around and seek to take us out’, uttered Tobias.
‘Once a member of the Comet Empire, ALWAYS a member of the Comet Empire. It was only a matter of time before they resorted back to their old ways. War is second nature to them’, explained Thia.
Just as they were to about to continue, a relayed message came in. The Gamilons have completely broken the line and are now advancing toward the capitol city. The council takes a look outside, only to see a battalion of Gamilon fighters headed their way. There are no living Iscandarians in sight. They fully know that Gamilons don’t take hostages or negotiate in the midst of war. They quickly rush to inform Queen Camilla, who is tending to her twin daughters, Starsha and Astra.
‘Queen Camilla, we have bad news. We were just informed….’ ‘That our lines were broken a few hours ago, Ramos? I realized that this moment would come and have finally come to grips of what must be done.’ ‘Your highness, you don’t surely mean….’
‘Yes, Antinet, the Cosmo DNA device must be used. We have over ¾ of the Gamilon force in our airspace and the rest storming our castle. We don’t have much time. I know this isn’t the most ideal of situations but in order to preserve our way of life, we must act quickly.’
The Cosmo DNA device is a machine that the Iscandarians have developed centuries ago to rid the planet of any radioactive or pollutant material in the air, which explains why Iscandar remained in such beautiful condition. Over time, the device has been weaponized to also resurrect a dead or dying planet, similar to the Genesis devise in Star Trek II. It has always been preserved to be used as a last resort in case of an ensuing takeover by hostile invaders.
‘How will our way of life be preserved if no one is here? The Cosmo DNA device would wipe everyone out within moments’, asked Thia.
‘There is a way’, explained Queen Camilla. ‘There is an underground bunker hundreds of miles beneath the surface to shield us from the anti-matter that the devise emits in its Nexus phase of recreation. It has been a top-secret location that has been known in my family for generations. The problem is that it is located just beyond the city’s eastern gates on the far side of the castle, which will soon be littered with Gamilons.’
‘Then what are we waiting for?’, cried Antinet. ‘Let’s get everything we can carry and get there before the Gamilons get to us.’
Twenty minutes later, General Kragen and his Gamilon forces reached Queen Camilla’s castle, only to find no one from the hierarchy or council there.
‘Leader Tangill, this is General Kragen. We’ve reached the castle but there is no sign of the Queen or the council. What are my orders, sire?’
‘Continue the search, General. The cowards couldn’t have gotten far. No one else matters to me but Queen Camilla, if you get my drift. I want her brought back to Gamilon alive.’
‘Yes, sire. Sgt. Krypt, take the squadron and continue the search. Shoot everything moving except the Queen herself.’
‘Pardon me, Leader Tangill, but the advisory council awaits your presence on their latest findings on a new star system.’
‘If you will excuse me, General, I have some other important matters to tend to. Good luck and happy hunting.’
‘As you wish, your majesty.’
In his quarters, Tangill is advised about a new star system hundreds of light-years away.
‘It is called the Solar system, Leader Tangill’, said Concentra. ‘There are multiple planets with plentiful resources for us to use for trade and commerce. By conquering this system, we will strengthen our empire and be the envy amongst the Bolars and, dare I say, the Comet Empire.’
‘Are there any known inhabitants in this system?’, inquired Tangill.
‘The only ones are from the planet with the most resources, the third one orbiting around the star right here, sire’, responded Septon. ‘From our findings, this planet is called Earth. They have about two billion inhabitants having recovered from a war it started amongst themselves roughly 120 years ago, which almost destroyed the planet. To say they are ripe for the taking would be an understatement.’
‘They’re total barbarians, your majesty’, said Raptura. ‘They haven’t even discovered light-speed technology and only have a few research outposts on its moon, this red planet next to them, and on a planet called Pluto located here. They are fit for slave labor.’
‘From my gatherings, they aren’t even fit for that’, responded Concentra.
‘That’s what happens when you don’t have the leadership that we do here. The Earthlings go to and fro and…’
‘Enough of the galactic brown-nosing, Raptura’, barked Tangill. ‘There is no doubt that we are in need of conquering another system to compete for galactic supremacy with the Bolars and Comet Empire. Even when we take over Iscandar, we wouldn’t have enough to take either of them on. This is indeed the one we need to take a serious look at. But we have to be practical here. We haven’t even won the war with the Iscandarians, yet. Yes, they and their treacherous queen will soon fall to us but they are putting up a tougher fight than I thought they would. We’ve already lost thousands in this war. So, I want this little mission to be done slowly and secretly. I want you to start by sending our best scouts to this system to see what these Earthlings are all about. I want to know about how they live, their history. Most importantly, I want to know about their defenses. The scouts must tread lightly so as not to alert them so our stealth ships would have to be used so as not to be detected by their radar systems. If they are as barbaric as you say, they would respond in kind if they were to be detected. They may not have our technology but they surely have enough radioactive power in their arsenal, considering the amount of lives lost in that war of theirs. Is that number right, Concentra, five billion lost? The only question I have is, do we even have the technology for our full armada to get there?’
‘Not yet, your highness, but we are very close’, answered Septon. ‘As of right now, it would take roughly three years for even one of our stealth ships to get there without detection from their radar system. But we will soon have all of Iscandar’s advances, even its guarded wave technology to make such trips in a much shorter period of time. We will certainly have it available on every flagship and destroyer by the time your son Desslok takes the throne, sire.’
‘We will soon have the wave technology in our clutches, Septon’, said the Gamilon leader. ‘We may not be here to see it fully realized, but my son will. Yes, Desslok will be the one sitting at the head of all tables. He will have the Iscandarians, the Bolars, the Comet Empire, and rest of the universe kneeling at his feet. Now let’s get back to the task at hand. To the fall of Iscandar.’
‘To the fall of Iscandar!’, shouted the council in unison.
Racing towards the underground bunker, the remaining Iscandarian council, Queen Camilla and her daughters are caught from behind by the Gamilons. Just as Queen Camilla opens the escape hatch, the entire council is shot down in cold blood and Camilla is badly wounded. She and her twin daughters barely escape to the underground bunker and seal it off.
‘We have to activate the device before the Gamilons get down here,’ said Camilla. ‘It’s only a matter of time before they remove the safety hatch.’
Just as the General Kragen orders the troops to remove the hatch, the Cosmo DNA is activated. A burst of electron particles erupts from around the castle gates and other various parts of Iscandar. Within seconds, General Kragen and millions of his forces on Iscandar are no more.
‘Mommy, its quiet’, whispered Astra. ‘Yeah, too quiet’, responded Starsha. ‘Let’s turn the monitor on to take a peek outside’, said Camilla.
The monitor is turned on to reveal the Cosmo DNA’s effect. There are pristine streams, blue skies, animals, and beautiful waterfalls. There is not a trace of Gamilons or Iscandarians anywhere as they have been totally atomized.
‘Mom, there is an urgent message coming from Gamilon. I think its Tangill.’ ‘Put it on the overhead monitor, Starsha.’
Starsha’s suspicion was correct as Leader Tangill’s face emerged on the screen. He appears ashen and in total shock to not only discover his invading fleet wiped out but also his main target still alive and protected.
‘Queen Camilla, what have you done to my troops!?’ ‘No Tangill, the question you should be asking is what did you do to my people? You started this bloody war in your thirst for power and it has cost the lives of millions. I did what was best for Iscandar and have more than enough power to do it again if you send another Gamilon ship in this direction.’
‘Are you threatening me?’
‘No Tangill, it’s a promise. If any fleet with a Gamilon logo even as much as attempts to invade our airspace again, they will suffer the same fate as Kragen and his troops did a few minutes ago. For your treachery, you and the Gamilons are hereby banished from ever stepping foot on this planet for eternity. Do not call us. Do not ask for our help in any endeavor, especially if it involves your sick quest for galactic rule. In exchange, we will not intervene in any of your affairs unless it is a clear act of aggression against an inferior race of beings. Understood?’
‘I will accept this treaty if, in addition to what you said, also give us the elements needed to achieve wave-motion energy. As long as I’m alive, I will not use my military might to fight other beings for territorial reasons.’
‘But my son will’, thought Tangill as he smiled. ‘Oh, my son will and then some.’ Forty years later on Earth, a meeting is taking place in Midway City amongst the Earth Defense Force. It has been established as the capitol of Earth after the Third World War, which wiped out every major city and many civilizations.
‘All in favor of the building of emergency underground cities, please raise your hands’, said Council Leader Williamson. ‘All opposed? The ayes have it 9 votes for to 4 against. Are there any other matters of business? If not, then this meeting is adjourned.’
While the rest of the committee is leaving for the room, Colonel Rydell stews in his seat.
‘Is there something you want to get off your chest, Rydell?’, asked Williamson. ‘Permission to speak freely, sir?’ ‘Granted.’ ‘You know what I want to say.’
‘Yes, and we’ve gone through this time and time again, Harold. For the last time, the answer is still no.’
‘Why does this council continue to ignore the fact that we are letting advanced technology go to waste on meaningless research outposts?’, inquired Rydell as he strode around the conference room. ‘Pardon my French but what in the hell are they researching, Don? We’ve invested billions of dollars to have our best scientists and military personnel sit in isolation and boredom when we could be in the last stages of colonizing these planets and moons by now.’
‘I’m fully aware of that but the committee doesn’t feel the sense of urgency you do. Or I for that matter. We already have a lot ahead of us trying to get the U.N. to buy into building these underground cities. You know how long we are going to have to fight to get this approved by them? And you know that the U.N. Senate is looking for any means to cut into our budget so we have to tread softly.’
‘But wouldn’t this help our economy and our military by having our forces spread out in case of an attack?’, asked Rydell. ‘If we were to be attacked by an alien force of some kind, we would have all of our eggs in one basket by having everyone assembled on Earth as we do now. Even if something catastrophic were to happen here on our own, like another world war, where would the rest of mankind go?’
‘Whoa there cowboy, what attack?’, asked Williamson as he raised his hand. ‘Look, we’ve been halfway through the solar system and back for almost two hundred years and there has been not one sign of alien contact whatsoever. So what’s changed?’
‘This has,’ answered Rydell, as he takes what looks like a large folded up poster from his briefcase. ‘This is a picture that was taken from a telescopic lens last night.’
‘This appears to be small comets or asteroids flying around. Interesting that this was taken from the very research outposts you opposed’, said Williamson.
‘What’s more interesting is that it wasn’t taken from an outpost but from my son’s telescope I got him for his birthday. And since when did comets and asteroids make 90 degree turns in space like these?’
‘C’mon, Harry. You sound like one of those conspiracy theorists that were around in our great-grandfather’s time’, laughed Williamson as he took in his now lukewarm coffee. ‘They had pictures of stuff like this, videos even. And what changed? Nothing.’
‘I know, but here is the difference’, answered Rydell as he reached for the intercom. ‘Carmen, could you please tell Major Venture to please come into the conference room. Thank you.’
Major Shiloh Venture walks in with an even larger briefcase. Venture is known as one of the brightest military scientists in the world. He designed the propulsion engines that made it possible to send people to the outskirts of the solar system as well as shock cannon weaponry that could be used in space defense.
‘Major Venture, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet with us’, said Rydell. ‘Could you please enlighten Commander Williamson with what you recently discovered?’
‘Yes sir. Last night, I received a call from Colonel Rydell informing me of a possible unidentified object flying around the Eastern seaboard. If it was anyone else besides him, I probably would’ve cussed the person out and hung up the phone. Anyway, I took the readings you gave me and fed it into one of our military satellites orbiting the moon only to come across the objects myself. I too assumed they were meteors of some sort but I took a picture of them to be sure. And after magnifying the objects, here is what we found.’
Venture takes a couple of large photos out of his briefcase. One of the photos was similar to what was shown by Rydell earlier. However, the magnified one revealed something disturbing. It appeared to be…..
A series of small green spaceships and the appearance of blue figures in the cockpits. Commander Williamson dropped his coffee mug as the emergency alert systems sounds off.
Ok as I promised the Synopsis for Movie two. We move a little bit from the established story as we venture out of the Solar system. Movies two deals with Captain Occara's radation sickness, Cody Wildstar and Nova's attaction. Mark Shima dealing with his issues. Also we have a search for food and supplies. And a deadly trap is sprung, a energy net and a red sun.
The movie would start with a small flashback of the wildstar family. Alex is comming back from the academy. He had just got his orders for his assignment. everything on the planet is green. He takes Cody into the city just as the first planet bombs hit. This part is filmed almost surreal, like walking in a dream. we have a shot of Cody and Alex walking towards the crater where there house once sat. Cody collapses in Alex's arms crying and screaming.
Cody wakes up in bed screaming. He looks around, takes a breath and goes back to sleep. We then see Yamato voyaging through space. Its heavily damaged and there are repair crews fixing it. they are crawling up and down its body like tiny ants. We then show the bridge with everybody working. Captain Occara is sitting in his chair looking over everybody. Cody runs into the bridge are taking his replacements place. Mark looks at him and notices that he looks exhausted. Cody looks up at him and says something like "I havent been sleeping well"
After that we move to the Strategy center where we have an update on how long it will take to get to iscandar. We get shown the map that takes us from the Milky way to the Magellanic cloud. Nova lays out the schedule for the space shift's. Mark ask's about food supply's. Dr Zane answers they should be fine if everything goes to plan. Occara calls an end to the meeting and everyone leaves. Occara is the last to leave and he begins to clutch his chest. He collapses to the floor.He gets back up and leaves. Zane looks at the Captain curiously
As the yamato is about to leave the solar system. Ocaara orders that every crewmember may have 4 minutes to say goodbye to their loved ones. One by one the Starforce give their messages. Nova's parents try to fix her up with a banker. Then they fall apart. Marks brother tells him how everybody at school is pulling for them.Terry says goodbye to his grandaughter. Its through these messages that we find out how bad it is on earth. Cody and Occara walk around the ship trying to avoid having to talk. Nova forces Cody into the communications room. She then is shocked when she finds out that Cody has nowbody to come home to. Occara meanwhile is getting drunk on scotch while staring at a picture of his son and daughter. Cody enters the Captains quarters and they get drunk together.
Nova comes up with a new defense system. Its a way to ward off high temperatures and radiation in space.It can even for short periods ward off the heat of a sun, though it would damage the Yamato signifigantly. She goes to the captain in his quarters and notices that he is breathing somewhat heavy. She lays out her newest idea using the alien tech. Occara give his permission to begin construction on the solar shielding technology.
Nova goes to see Dr Zane. She tells him about what she saw of the captain. Zane who is nursing a beer. Tells nova that he will look into it.
Yamato shifts out of solar system. And we have Cody and the black tigers on patrol. They meet an enemy fleet around alpha centauri and their is a battle. A Gamilon ship is damaged and Cody takes it prisoner. Back aboard the Yamato Dr Zane and Nova performs tests on the Gamilon. When they remove his armored suit they find out that other then his blue tinged skin he is human. This sends the Starforce into shock. Cody runs into the room and trys to kill the Gamilon. But he is restrained. The Gamilon get's out of the medical bay and runs amok. He is eventually subdued but not before placing a bomb on the yamato food stores. Occara decides to let the Gamilon go and gives him full supplies. however he does not know about the bomb. The Gamilon feels guilty and tries to tell him about the bomb. But he is forced onto his ship and the airlock is opened. The Gamilon ship try's to go back to yamato to warn them but the Yamato starts to fire at him. Then the bomb goes off. Gamilon ship flys away
Back in the Strategy room Dr Zane tells the officers they have 2 months left of provisions. If they dont find a planet with food quickly they will all starve. Occara tells the officers they dont have time to check all the planets. But the black tiges can survey a few solar systems at a time. Dr zane notices that Occara is wheezing and ask's that Occara come in for a check up. Occara tells him he's ok. Dr Zane tells Occara that he will have his eye on him.
The next thing we see is a giant throne room. Emperor Desslock of the Gamilon empire sit on his throne. He reads the reports of the Yamatos escapes and grows quite perturbed. He tells his right hand man that the plans for the exile cannot be delayed. A tall gamilon walks in, he bows to Desslock and tells him he will take care of the Yamato Problem. He is General Domen, feared conqueror of the Milky way galaxy and supreme leader of the 10th armada. Desslock gives him leave and Domen goes to his ship which is a huge battle fortress.
Mark Goes to the dinning hall and notices the Rations are getting smaller. he talks to Zane who is drinking his wine and asks him how long. Zane tells him that the food will be gone in 2 weeks. Zane then offers him some wine
Yamato is travelling through space and hits a energy web. It was set in the Alpha Orion. Yamato is stopped cold and starts to get the Energy drained from it. Shima backs away from it but is attacked by Domens fleet. Shima has to dodge missles as the Yamato trys to find a way out of the web. In the midst of this huge battle Captain Occara collapses in his chair. Dr Zane is called to the bridge and takes Occara to the Sickbay. Cody makes a rash decision and orders the Yamato to fly towards the sun where the energy web is not laid.He relies on Novas solar shield to keep them safe. While this is happening Dr Zane is working on Occara. He notices that Occara has strange growths on his body. It looks like Gamilon Radation poisoning. Domen chases the Yamato as far as it can, then turns around believing that the Yamato will Suicide. The Yamato Skims the sun causing alot of damage. The solar shield begins to malfunction causing the temperature to rise. Hydrogen erupts and the Yamato uses the Wave motion gun to clear a way. The Yamato escapes. Mark sits in his seat shaking looking at his hands.
Cody worried about Occara stands near the Hospital wing. Nova walks up to him and they start to talk. Dr Zane comes out and tell's Cody that it looks like Occara has Radation sickness. Thats he is stablized for now but he could relapase at any time. Occara ask's for Cody and tells him if anything happens to him he is to be acting captain.
Occara is wheeled into the captains chair. everybody on the bridge claps and cheers. Occara then asks what the status is. He is told that there is severe damage on all levels due to the red star. And that this damage has set them back 40 days. Add to the fact that their food is nearly gone it doesnt look good. Occara then tells a inspirational story to build morale.
Yamato comes upon a distress signal. It comes from a planet on the outskirts of the milky way. Its an earth signal which is impossible. Nova, Mark and Cody go to check it out. Little do the secret of the aliens who live here .The Aliens are expatriot Gamilons who fled their home planet when Desslock became ruler. However their new queen wants to be part of Desslocks new destiny and is trying to patch things up. Cody and Nova are Captured while Mark discovers the truth about the Gamilon empire.That their planet is dying and they are planning on moving to earth. He is told this by one of the aliens who wants to revolt against their queen. The Revolutionarys have been broadcasting the earth distress signal in order to gain the help of the Yamato. Mark is given by the leader an ancient map which will show a shortcut to Iscandar. This Shortcut will Shave 20 days off of their trip.Greatful for this help Mark leads a revolt against the Queen just as the Domels seconds fleet arives. Nova and Cody move closer in the jail cell and almost kiss just as they are rescued. Their is a huge battle. The Expatriot gamilon fleet versus Domels second fleet. yamato stocks up on provisions and leaves
Yamato flys off and Uses the ancient map to find a system which is surronded by black holes. in the center is a wormhole, problem is that flying through it can be hazardous. Not to mention if you move on either side of the wormhole you get suck into the blackholes. The Yamato is parked and while in the lounge Mark has a breakdown, he screams that he cant do this. That this is too much. Him and Cody get into a fight. After beating the tar out of each other. Battle stations are called, it seems the Gamilon fleet has found them. The yamato fly's through the wormhole. The Gamilon ships are swallowed by the blackholes.
The Yamato comes out of the Wormhole in darkness. All we see is the yamatos lights. There are no Stars between galaxies and this is where they are. There is then a red glow. Occara asks what it is and he is told it is the planet Balan. The Wormhole had shaved 30 days off of their trip. Balan is artifical planet lit by a Artficial sun. Domens main fleet is here and he attacks the yamato. There is a huge battle where Domen is damaged.This is played out like a submarine movie where the ships cant see each other. In fact it would be cool if Domens massive battlefortress is above the yamato and is dropping charges on them. And missles are attacking them from below. eventually the Gamilons are defeated and Yamato limps foward once again damaged. Domen's ship is destroyed.
The Starforce gets a signal comming over the radio. It is queen Starsha of Iscandar. Our Heroes are nearing then end of their journey. Everybody cheers they have almost made it. Everybody cheers but Occara. he looks very sick. we show a growth on his hand
We then show a picture of an earth city and their are growths all over the buildings. we then close the movie with this " As the Yamato approaches Iscandar the people of earth suffer. Over 40% percent of the population lie dying in their beds. People grow hungry for non contaminated food has become scarce. And hope, the simple wish of a better tommorow has become nothing but a dream. Hurry Starforce earth only has 160 days left untill humanity becomes extinct. and Then show the numbers and go black
The idea behind the feeling I am trying to convey is a sense of hopelessness. This is the middle part so this is our Empire strikes back. They are out in the middle of Nowhere without any clue of what is going on. When Occara gets sick, they loose the only thng they look up to. He was always something more then human to the crew. Also when the Starforce find out that the Gamilons are Human. That wipes away all of their pre conceived notions. I wanted to play with the fact that the Gamilons werent evil just really desperate. So when the Yamato kills their planet in Movie3 it will have a harder resonance then it did in the show. Mostly with this installment I just want everybody to feel everything is going to turnout bad. But I also give some hope with Nova and Cody. The reason I created the Dissident's from Gamilon is because again I wanted to show that not all gamilons were going for this mad idea of colonizing earth. That there not an evil race but have been forced by necessity to become these monsters. And I wanted a Proactive way for Starforce to find out the truth about the Gamilons. Also this is my adaption of the Beemara story and I think its cooler to have exiled Gamilons then outrageous bee people.
Ok so thats it for Movie two. In Movie three we get to Iscandar, take a plunge in Acid seas, See a daring rescue, Commit genocide, See the most brutal battle ever fought between capitol ships and space planes. we also ressurect nova with the Cosmo DNA machine. Oh and our captain has a glass of earths spring water right before he kicks the bucket.
Thank you very much. Ive been having alot of fun writing these idea's. I hope that I am showing that you can Americainize and modernize Space battleship Yamato without dumbing it down. Alot of the idea's I am using are taken from the show. I change things where I need too but I try to put all the big events in there. Its LOTR kind of writing. Stay faithful except when you can heighten tension and or realism. Yamato has such a interesting premise that it deserves respect to its premise. But respect doesnt mean you cant change things, you just got to understand its universe and the rules it plays by.
For instance Yamato at the heart of it is a Naval drama. Sometimes a battleship, sometimes a submarine. So you try to play by those rules. There are traditions in the navy that go back centuries. So that sense of Decorum has to be there Especially on an old imperial japanese battleship. But you also need to make this crew a family. becuase this is the only group of people they are going to see for a year. There is a warmth on the ship, but it is a cautious warmth. These people want to be professional but desperately want someone to care for. This is the heart of Cody's and Novas relationship. Two professional people who outwardly dont have time for love are also searching for it. This is how these two get together, they need each other because they are so very lonely without each other.
Anyhow I will be writing the final part of the epic probaly tommorow. Most of it will take place around Gamilon and Iscandar. I have to find some way to bring Nova back to life and make it believable. If you guys like these ideas, spread them around the various websites. My fondest hope is that someone from the writing staff on the Star Blazers movie will see this and rob me blind LOL. Because I truly believe that a serious Yamato trilogy could be box office gold. Star Blazers is remembered by alot of people. Also if a movie triology is made faithful enough the japanese would be interested. And theres alot of fans in japan.
You couldn't be more correct. You've already designed the trilogy while I'm doing the screenwriting, give me some time to catch up with you (LOL). Anyway, I do not mind the adaptations you did at all because it was done in good taste while still having respect for the original. I'm just praying that whoever does the movie or series doesn't turn it into some of the garbage or remakes we've seen coming out of Hollywood in recent years (Charlie's Angels and Starsky and Hutch ring a bell?). Again, this could be one of the biggest epics in recent memory if done the right way. And the Japanese, who grew up watching the show and movies alike, would fall over backwards to get to the theaters if they are involved in the remake and not completely shut out. I think they would HAVE to be involved, being that the Yamato is a Japanese battleship and all.
I agree the japanese should be involved. I think Matsumoto should be involved at least in a advisory position. Unfortunately Hollywood being the town of hubris that it is. I dont think this is going to happen. I think the best we can hope for is screenwriters who loved the show growing up. There are so many themes that are present in Yamato that would have to be addressed for it to become a classic. It works on many levels. Hollywood is a shallow town who rarely strives for greatness. I am afraid we might get a mediocre Special effects movie rather then the hard hitting Space drama it deserves.
Im 32. I actually watched the cartoon when it aired weekday afternoons during the summer of the early 80's. So I would like to see characters names remain the same. I grew up on the americanized version, I never even knew the Japanses names, Im sure this is true for most of America. I apologize to all the die hards but this is truth. I would deffinetly go with Iscandar, it is a great story line. I would keep all the characters the same. Casting Sean Connery as Captian Avatar, maybe Tom Cruise as Derek Wildstar but only because he resembles him. If you are going to use a battle ship that is believeable you cant use the Arizona. I would like to see this part Americanized using a Missouri Class Battle Ship ie the USS New Jersey which is the most decorated battle ship in history and famous flag ship of Admiral Bull Halsey during WWII. These ships are undamage and readily available to be converted from floating museums to flying fortresses. The Missouri class would resemble the Yamamoto. For this movie to be a success either Speilberg or Lucas must be involved. I would hope that there would be a voice of reason among the producers that would enable the film to remain treu to the American version. For all you die hards let Japan make the movie and Dubb it for you......
Ratesforless, excellent work on the script. However, I must be honest in saying that, as fine as the script is, it would destroy the movie. The audience needs to be kept absolutely in the dark about the faith of Iscandar until the very end of the movie, or series. I'm sure you know the whole story so I won't delve in to the reason for keeping the audience in the dark, as it would spoil it for a lot of people who don't know. But I'm pretty sure you will clearly see that the ending won't be as powerful with the script divulging any information about what really happened to Iscandar.