MovieChat Forums > Space Battleship Yamato (1979) Discussion > Need help with a similar animated series

Need help with a similar animated series

The series i'm talking about has a spaceship named "Argo" to travel in the 12 known planets of our system which have the names of the ancient 12 greek gods.
Anyone knows this series name ?


Sounds like a cross between this show (the ship "Argo") and "Battlestar Galactica" (planets with Greek names, named for the 12 signs of the Zodiac). Can't recall the show you are thinking of.

Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless b****


Well, i remember at the end when the crew landed in pluton the last planet in our system and it's final adventure begun.
If the name of the spaceship in this show is argo maybe it's this series i'm looking for.
I will check it out.


What did the "Argo" you are thinking look like? A futureistic space ship? Or an old WWII battleship that flies? If it is the latter, then it's this show.

Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless b****


I Can't remember. I Only know the series were called "spaceship argo" in my country.


Could be Ulysses 31. This involved a space traveller and his family cast into uncharted space by the greek gods and forced to try to find a way to cure the crew who were cursed and to find a route back.

Or could be Starblazers renamed. It had some odd names and planet designations depending on the country.

Theres a couple of others that share the theme. Space Battle Cruiser Blue Noah for one and Super Dimensional Battleship Mahoroba for another and Super Space Battleship Daiyamato for yet another. All use the Yamato/Argo as the core.
