Space Warp

God, this was so awesome when I was a kid. Help me remember, didn't they use a space warp at the end of every episode where the argo became invisible?

How about those bubbles that would accumulate in the Wave Motion Gun, that was sweet. I used to draw that damn ship all day when I was 7! Love this series!



Yes, I too recall drawing the Argo so many times! I LOVED this show. Love the Wave-Motion gun! And yes, the ship technically vanished, or, dissapeared in a wavey fashion as it warped, then I recall one time, as it warped in, there was a small Gamalon space staion in front of it, and the bottom front red part just ran into the station! So cool!

Not word up---just WORD.


I strill have one of my drawings of the Argo, although I drew it as an adult watching a video.
