Wave-Motion Gun

I soooo cannot wait to see this work on the big screen. STTNG tried a version in The best of Both Worlds, but it just did not work. I want to hear the same sounds as it shoots as well! that sound of it firing and buidling up-was sooo awesome!

Not word up---just WORD.


the wave motion gun was one of the things I remembered at first (and the blue guys). Ther story is what really sucked you in.
Wildstar was coool.


The shock cannons (the ones that twirled into one beam) had just about my favorite sound effect of all time.

Really great sound effects overall.


Those were cool.


Oh, man, definitely. Imagine that sound FX recreated in Dolby 7.1!...


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."



Well, strictly speaking, the immense energies of the Wave Motion Gun come from transitioning between the tardyonic and tachyonic states.

Now, a tardyon (regular, slower-than-light particle, such as an electron) requires an infinite amount of energy to bring it up to light speed (which is why it can't be done), at which point it would also have infinite mass and infinite kinetic energy.

Now tachyons, as you point out, have less kinetic energy the faster they go, but gain more and more as they slow down. So as a tachyon approaches light speed from the other side, they gain a great deal of it. Indeed, to bring a tachyon down to light speed requires an infinite amount of energy (which is why it can't be done), at which point it, too, would have infinite mass and infinite kinetic energy.

This is the science in the science fiction.

Wave Motion technology somehow skips around the "infinite" part and allows the Yamato to jump from ALMOST as fast as light to JUST A BIT faster than light without needing infinite energy. And when that Wave Motion Gun cuts loose, the enemy is being blasted by scads of tardyons traveling almost as FAST as light, and also by scads of tachyons traveling almost as SLOW as light. Not quite infinite kinetic energy, but the baddies won't know the difference.

This is the fiction in the science fiction.

Greatest Hope: LOTR
Worst Fear: LOTL



Vacuum energy? Depending on which scientist you ask, there's enough vacuum energy in a volume of empty space the size of the Earth to boil a few gallons of water... or enough in a cupful of empty space to boil away all of the Earth's oceans.

So if they want to say that something the size of the Yamato could capture enough to boil away the Mediterranean, they should be able to get away with that.

Greatest Hope: LOTR
Worst Fear: LOTL


They never say that the particles in the Wave Motion Gun travel faster than light speed. Orion describes the engine as having the ability to use tachyons to exceed light speed, but nobody ever says that this also applies to the gun, as well. Clearly, the engine doesn't HAVE to output thrust at faster than light speed, since the ship travels at sublight more often than not.

-There is no such word as "alot."
