Need help with question

I've had the same image in my mind since I was a little girl about seeing a cartoon character screaming in pain when he got his legs cut off. I seen the pictures of Star Blazers recently and I recognized him to be one of the characters. Would anyone be able to tell me if such an incident happened in the series.



Thank you for your help! I'm going to try to find out which episode it was. It haunted me for years about the scene with him screaming with no limbs. I just couldn't remember which show it was. Thanks!!!


I am thinking the incident happened in an episode of series II of the Comet Empire, where a small group of the Star Force infiltrated the Comet Empire. They encountered a security laser gun that shot off one of Sandor's bionic legs as they were retreating. They left Sandor behind to provide cover fire while the rest of the group went ahead to set the charges. Wildstar came back for Sandor later after the charges were set. Here is a link to YouTube for the episode, start watching at about the 2:30 mark.


A little late. But there is an episode where Sandor is caught by a Gammilas weapon that pins his arms and legs. He orders them to detatch his arms and legs and they carry him away.


Neither of these depicts the character screaming, though. His limbs are prosthetics and don't register pain. Even when his leg is shot off, he reacts more with surprise than anything else.

-There is no such word as "alot."
