148,000 light years

Okay I loved this show but it had some messed up stuff in it. If you do the math and take 148,000 light years and divide by the 365 days they have to get there and back you get 415.73 light years per day! They never said how far they would travel in one space warp or really how fast they went. I just remember the third or fourth episode where they made their first space warp from near the moon to Mars and Mark Venture said, "Amazing we traveled millions of light years in less then a minute!" Someone must have moved Mars. If they do redo the show I hope they take out the imperfections and make it a kick a$$ show.


ehhh it was the 70's! back then there wasn't much difference between thousands of miles to millions of light years to the average american kid watching the show, but you do make a good point.


And let's keep in mind that this was an adaptation. They might or might not have said that in the original.

The subject comes up often enough.


That is true.


They didn't. Where the American dub mentions the "thousands of light years" to Mars, the Japanese version has no dialogue at all (the character's back is to the camera, so they could add the line without it being noticeable).

In season two, Venture mentions at one point that their last warp cleared 2000 light years, which was a new distance record. One can presume therefore that in season one they never warped more than 2000 light years at once. The captain mentions during season one that the ship makes two warps per day; if each was 1000 light years, you could reach the Magellanic Cloud in 74 days. So it's not implausible, if you buy into the ship's technological capabilities.

-There is no such word as "alot."




They move at speed of plot, the B5 ploy.
