I've only seen

the story where they encounter a time traveler family from 1500 years in the future, and the time machine is organic. I didn't think much of this one, but others have told me that this was the worst of the series. Agree or disagree? I do want to see the others.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: "Bring some men with you, I feel as naked as a baby in its bath."


You're talking about 'Adventure 3' which was actually the first one I got as an adult on VHS. Back then, I had absolutely no idea what was going on. But on subsequent viewings, I realized it wasn't all that bad. It's the most classically "Sci-Fi" S+S story they did, and I believe it's the only one to have a scene filmed outside. It reminds me of a surreal version of 'Alien' with a largely unseen monster roaming about a confined area. I thought the explanation for the creature's very existence was fascinating - and yet it was all within the setting of a mundane flat with 1980s fittings.

The only thing I think did jar slightly was Sapphire's use of the term "vivisection" which sounded a bit too human for me. If anything, it sounded like the REAL Joanna Lumley who I believe is a campaigner for animal rights. Certainly what was being suggested was very horrific, but I didn't really believe Sapphire and Steel's (and Silver's) reaction. After all, weren't these the same Elements who behaved so ruthlessly at the end of the previous story?

The only story I'm not really keen on is 'Adventure 5' which involves a man obsessed with the 1930s, but that's probably because the only time I tried to watch it, I found it very boring. Who knows - perhaps subsequent viewings will help me to appreciate THIS one as well?



Have to agree mostly with Hunnybunny.

I think 1,2,4 and 6 are by far the best stories with Story 4 the one about the photo's my personal favourite. I love the children, man with no face and the chilling ending especially!


I agree. Assignments 1 & 2 are the ones I remember most from the first time around. The second storyline (in the train station) is my favourite - very dark and best showcases the "alien" or "non-human" aspects of the two leading characters. Even now, 25 or so years later, it still gives me the creeps... Superb writing from one of my all-time favourite writers.


I could be wrong but I think I read somewhere that Assignment 2 (the train station one) was the only one that was repeated at a later date on British telly and as a result of that more people remember that one than any of the others.


Only a part of Story 2 was repeated due to strikes interrupting the initial run.

Its the best remembered simply because IMO its the best of the lot.


Assignment 3 is the weakest one and hasn't dated terribly well, though it is still worth a watch.

All the others are great. I like 5 more than most seem to but then I like a good drawing room murder set-up. 4 and 6 are fabulous.

Just a painted face on a trip down suicide row

