
I am looking for exact locations of chambers and Rumpole's flat. Are they both studio sets? Chambers appears to have an a view out the windows. I would like any help with locations.


I just finished "The Secret Lives of Rumpole's Creator" & "A Voyage Around John Mortimer" in the hopes of answering your question. No luck. Both books had very little background about Rumpole.

I did just find 2 books on Amazon. One written by Leo McKern and one about him. So if I read them I'll be back in touch.


I'm watching a Rumpole just now that showed his flat (interior).

I'd say just about any interior in this series is a studio set, including courtrooms, the lobby outside the courtroom, chambers, and his flat.

They did shoot scenes on the street outside the Inns of Court and other real locations (mostly or wholly outdoors).


I looked some more; in Rumpole and the Man of God, the tv episode shows him living at 29 Palace Gate in South Kensington. (You can see the address on a building across the street, and look up either building on google street views). It's possible that in another episode they might have showed another building, I've no idea.
