This or that.

Which mini do you prefer: P+P or Sense and Sensibility?


I love both but I'll choose P&P..

Colin Firth as Darcy or David Rintoul as Darcy?

"I promise you, before I die I'll surely come to your doorstep"


If you are talking about the books, then I definitely prefer 'Pride and Prejudice' -- but 'Emma' is by far and away Jane Austen's finest work, with 'Mansfield Park' coming in second.

As for Mr Darcy -- no contest, David Rintoul hands down. Colin Firth was completely miscast.


definitely rintoul


I loved Rintoul. But I like Macfadyen also. There's just something about that voice...

Firth just looks constipated all the time.


i think colin had the proud strut thing going which was cute but not my choice for darcy
i also love Macfayden's voice and he seems much more human like shows more emotion in scenes.
another period drama north and south was made a couple years back and richard armitage as the leading man was very good he has a very very nice voice....

you bleed just to know your alive
