Crazy H2H Scenes That Make No Sense
I'm gonna start a brand new topic here. I love this show soooooo much, but even I as a die hard can admit when there's a scene that's just crazytown. When I find one I'm gonna list is here. Here's the first.
Ep: Slam Dunk
When: ~14 minutes in
Detail:Two guest characters are having a conversation in the front yard. One is mowing the lawn with an old-school push mower, one is sitting. You can plainly see that the lawn he's mowing has literally zero grass, it's 100% dirt. There is nothing coing out of the blades, which are shiny red. And the scene opens with the camera close up on the blades mowing, and it's just insane. Additionally crazytown is that the sitting character is sitting on what appears to be a wooden piano bench. In t he front yard. It's so out of place weird, I mean, it's impossible to ignore. All I can think of is that they were in some kind of bind with props and set dressing and just did the best they could with what they had to work with. Cuz this is nutty.
I this same episode Jennifer is riding a bicycle while holding a backpack It's not a bag, it's a freaking BACKPACK, but instead of wearing it on her back, she holds it in her hand while steering the bike. why?
Ok, so these were scenes that truly made no sense in why they were filmed the way they were filmed. Throwaways that made no sense to do this way. That's what I'm looking for here. Your turn.