MovieChat Forums > Hart to Hart (1979) Discussion > Crazy H2H Scenes That Make No Sense

Crazy H2H Scenes That Make No Sense

I'm gonna start a brand new topic here. I love this show soooooo much, but even I as a die hard can admit when there's a scene that's just crazytown. When I find one I'm gonna list is here. Here's the first.

Ep: Slam Dunk

When: ~14 minutes in

Detail:Two guest characters are having a conversation in the front yard. One is mowing the lawn with an old-school push mower, one is sitting. You can plainly see that the lawn he's mowing has literally zero grass, it's 100% dirt. There is nothing coing out of the blades, which are shiny red. And the scene opens with the camera close up on the blades mowing, and it's just insane. Additionally crazytown is that the sitting character is sitting on what appears to be a wooden piano bench. In t he front yard. It's so out of place weird, I mean, it's impossible to ignore. All I can think of is that they were in some kind of bind with props and set dressing and just did the best they could with what they had to work with. Cuz this is nutty.

I this same episode Jennifer is riding a bicycle while holding a backpack It's not a bag, it's a freaking BACKPACK, but instead of wearing it on her back, she holds it in her hand while steering the bike. why?

Ok, so these were scenes that truly made no sense in why they were filmed the way they were filmed. Throwaways that made no sense to do this way. That's what I'm looking for here. Your turn.


Not sure this counts, watching Murder is a Drag right now. I left the room for a minute and had to rewind, I thought it was another episode. This ep is all over the place! And why a costume party? I think it's just an excuse for Jonathan to show off his Rhett Butler and Max to put on a dress and make drag jokes!
Truly crazy!


This is a great thread. I will pay more attention as I am rewatching all the episodes and chime in when I find something :)


Yay! Trust me, these scenes ABOUND. And I've discovered something that other folks have been saying in other threads. If you have the DVDs, they're far better to watch for a million reasons. One of those reasons is because, I've discovered, you end up with wack once it's cut up. Scenes that begin or end without all the context cuz it was cut off results in a "wuh?!" kind of scene sometimes. Now, some other times? Yeah, they're just weird. But I'm really interested now that I go thru the DVDs to compare!


You made me kill you: Jennifer and stalker are in the house and then jump -- they are on the fire escape. Maybe a cut there?

Kinda Weird stuff: Jennifer calling out ("Jonathan" of course) from the fire escape and Jonathan, inside the house, can hear her like she's standing next to him. I've noticed they do that one a lot. Jennifer calls out to Jonathan from far away, and it sounds like she's next to him., and he can hear her perfectly.


I noticed the shouting of "Jonathan" right away for this thread, YES. It's like, she's shouting for him, but ... how does she know he's in the vicinity -- which he's not? Yet he hears her.

I watched this one on DVD, and I think the quick jump to the fire escape is the result of a rerun hack job.


This might not fall under this topic but I noticed they used same bike scene in 2 different episodes and seasons.
There is the scene of Jen & Jon riding when she gets kidnapped because they thought she was someone else in season 2 called This Lady is Murder. Fast forward to season 3 called Harts and Fraud where Jennifer's car rear ends the guy and he dies. Same opening bike scene-same clothes-same bike race when he gives her a 30 second head start. Instead of getting kidnapped they make it home to Max's breakfast and Jen wins the race. Hysterical. Couldn't believe it!!


LOL babsfan8816!! I thought I was going crazy. I recently purchased all the DVD's and have been watching them in numeric order, season by season. I was watching Harts and Fraud the other day and noticed the bike scene. I thought I remembered the bike scene from an earlier episode where Stefanie Powers plays dual roles (Banana Brain!). I remember she had on the white outfit and that they also decided to race home, and Jonathan gave her a head start on the bike. The scenes seemed identical, but I'm way, they couldn't be! Still, I was waiting for the van to drive up next to her and grab her off the bike and the next thing I see, is them busting in the kitchen door, and Jen winning the race. I shook it off and thought - I guess I was wrong... and here you are with the same thoughts! That is funny and I really do think they are the same scene now!


Can't wait to get to this one.


Hilary, I did the same thing. Bought all the DVD's (didn't get season 5 yet) and am watching in order. But I had to go back and compare both scenes. I just knew I had seen it before. A few different things that related to the episode but definitely same scene. Hysterical !!
