Jennifer's hair

I have been looking at old episodes of HtoH, and I am seriously wondering if Stefanie Powers is wearing a whig in the first seasons. Her hair simply doesn't look natural, and no matter how much she runs, falls, exercises or drivs a convertible, her hair stays the same. Or are there products that can make hair look and stay that way?


I've always loved her hair in the first season.

I have no idea if her hair was a wig - there wasn't anything to make me think this? Don't forget this is a tv series where after every take a hair & makeup artist will be sprucing her up. Personally I would think it is her hair (with lots of super 70's & 80's hairspray).

Attn All Units!


Nah, it's her own hair.


100 percent her own hair, and it was fabulous (ok...maybe a quart or two of hairspray)


I have been looking at old episodes of HtoH, and I am seriously wondering if Stefanie Powers is wearing a whig in the first seasons.
I don't think they would have spent the money on a 19th-century politician.


HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I don't know how many people got that, but I sure did. NICE.


It's gotta be her own hair! Have you ever noticed the scenes with her stunt double, who is clearly wearing a terrible it looks?? It totally looks like a wig. So it's gotta be Stefanie's own hair. And BTW... how fabulous was her hair?? What little girl didn't want that hair, when they were growing up?? I still want it :)


If you want a hairspray so your hair never moves, find some Aquanet. That hairspray was super-duper back in the day.
