MovieChat Forums > Hart to Hart (1979) Discussion > Pilot episode with comments

Pilot episode with comments

While watching a few episodes of H2H on YouTube, in order to catch some of the awesome deleted scenes that hallmark seems to cut, I came across the pilot episode with commentary by RJ, Stefanie, and Mank the director. It was really great listening to them relive the filming of this episode. Look it up. True H2H fans will love it.


AGREED!! I loved the commentary between the three of them. We got to hear little tidbits of what was really going on while they filmed it. It's a MUST for H2H fans.


How awesome this is on Youtube! It's on the DVDs, but if you don't have them, then I'm really glad that people can hear it! When they were talking about Natalie I was riveted! The comaradarie between the three of them in the commentary was obvious.


I just purchased the first DVD and the commentary on the 1st episode is hilarious! I love it! It makes the whole DVD for me. I love Stefanie Powers' laugh. It seems like they had a lot of fun filming the show.
