Erin Gray

I fapped to her quite a bit in the late 70's and early 80's.


Besides Erin, practically every episode in the 1st season featured a notable female guest star or two, like Brianne Leary as Ryma in "Planet of the Slave Girls."

The series might've been second-rate Star Trek, but it excelled on this front.


Yes they definitely had the hot sci fi chick pool cornered during that era.


here you go. i just watched this episode tonight for the first time on metv. oh my gosh Ryma is so beautiful. she's actually more beautiful than erin gray! do you think she's more beautiful than erin gray? i looked at her face near the end of the episode and was amazed by how beautiful she is. she has girl next door/innocent/natural beauty in her eyes.

near the end of this episode there's a scene where they are getting out of the hot/sauna place with the pond and oh my gosh, when erin gray's character reached out to ryma she actually lifted her skirt up by accident and we actually got a peek at her ass, that was amazing! i'm sure the director was like, "uh...not exactly what i wanted, let's go with it."(it wasn't planned obviously),

also when she was climbing into the pipe with the help of buck picking her up, she actually flashes her ass again?, again! yes! then erin gray's character climbs up into the pipe and when in the pipe we get a peek at her ass also, but unfortunately not as much of her ass is shown as ryma's ass. just the very bottoms of her ass cheeks. after the scene was over i was so sexually exhausted i breathed deeply in and out. wow, what a hot scene. remember this scene's upskirts?


Yeah, Ryma (Brianne Leary) outshined Erin in that one. It's one of the better episodes in the series, but it's also worth watching just for her.


she was on the first season of C.H.i.Ps in 1979.

She was on Battle of the Network stars in 1978 and here is a nice little story on her:


gosh, there will never be a time in tv shows as good as the '70s and the '80s. the babes were so beautiful and so hot and so natural looking. you could take any show from the mid to late '70s and '80s and find so many beautiful and hot babes who look so much better than any girl from nowadays. i guess genes and nutrition, and, health, gyms, and eating non organic foods, and eating meat are what made girls back then more beautiful than girls nowadays.


Wow, that's a nice flash from the past, FF, thanks!


You have to remember when the show was being made it was the height of the T&A TV shows. Remember Battle of the Network Stars? It was just an opportunity for the big breasted TV stars to bounce around for the cameras, so really while Buck Rogers had some nice titties each week, most every show did. It was the golden age of titties on parade.


There's way more to beautiful women than just "titties" (face, hair, eyes, figure, derrière, thighs, spirit, etc.). Don't take that the wrong way; I'm just making an observation.

In any case, I don't remember any dramatic show from back then that featured so many beautiful women in complementary apparel as the 1st season of Buck Rogers (not counting celeb contestant shows).


I'm not sure I would call Buck Rogers a dramatic show... as far as scripted shows go though you have Love Boat, Roller Girls, Threes Company, Fantasy Island, Charlies Angels... there were lots of shows that made a point of having attractive women on them in the late 70's and early 80's.


i love hearing this. growing up in the '90s i used to masturbate to lynda carter on the new adventures of wonder woman. she always looked big boobed in that outfit which showed her cleavage. what's interesting is how much erin gray looks like lynda carter. erin gray doesn't hold a candle to lynda carter as far as looks go though.

do you ever watch buck rogers in the 15th century on metv on saturday nights now?


And thanks to YouTube you can continue that hobby to this day! Hooray!!!


I have recently rewatched the show.

Back then I wasn't attracted to her but see she is very pretty but too skinny, lol.

I have yet to masturbate to her.

In the opening credits I noticed my gf looks at me like she looks at Buck. She was a pretty good actress to be able to simulate that.


i noticed her ass is too skinny in the episode last night.


Her whole body is!

Weirdly her head and face are healthy looking.

This was an era before women had discovered the gym and only wanted to "lose weight" and that's it.

The princess girl was healthy and fit looking though.


who was the princess girl?


I was too young to fap back when the show was on, but I certainly noticed there was something pretty special about Erin Gray.


Perhaps this link will be of interest to y'all:

Trivia alert!
Turns out Brianne was Timothy Leary's cousin , and also Jamie Lee Curtis appeared!
