why isn't this a movie/tv remake?

They remake everything nowadays. Why not this?



Buck Rogers in the 25th Century is way too camp to ever remake, they made that mistake when they remade Battlestar Galactica.


The Battlestar Galactica remake is not only one of the best sci-fi shows of all time, but one of the best character-driven TV dramas--of ANY genre--to ever exist. And while the campy tone of Buck Rogers is part of its eternal charm, the show could easily be re-imagined for modern viewers, much as BG was. I wouldn't expect a remake of Buck Rogers to be anything like the beloved original. Nor would I want it to be.


It would be better than Charlie's Angels or Night Rider that no one wanted to see.


I was against a remake of this show, except the show started as a decades-running comic strip. The '79 show revived it, and there's no reason it can't be revived again - if done right.

And that's the issue.

Even "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", while successful, continues the same formula (take a brand, speed up the plot pacing, gloss over details, put in tons of references to the original franchise to the point fans that recognize them all will no longer respect the writer as "trying to be witty and cute" but as "utterly annoying", and do something with the franchise that the original would not do.

But "Rise" actually worked, there's little that's glossed over, and at least the self-referential nostalgia bits - excessive as they got - were not camped up.

And the actual plot sets the stage for a proper new Apes arc. (the 60s-70s version created a paradox, which the reboot is clearly managing to get around and I look forward to the sequel...)

"Buck" could be successful, if they play it straight (no camp) and to keep disco out of the picture... rewatching some of the 70s show, what they got away with (Buck's innuendo, planet names like "Vistula" (now look up "Fistula" and wince) was almost impressive in scope.


Frank Miller apparently wanted to make a Buck Rogers movie but after The Spirit bombed (wow that was a bad movie) that plan got scraped.

I wouldn't have wanted him to ruin it anyways.


That's a shame. A re-imagining of Buck Rogers is rife with all kinds of amazing possibilities. Of course, it could also turn out like (and be received like) The Spirit, so I also understand the trepidation of moving forward with such a project.
