Celine Lomez

She is stunning! I was reminded of Eva Longoria, but Celine is better looking. And particularly fine doing a full-frontal in the buff scene! I do like Euro muff au naturale.

"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
H. P. Lovecraft


Well IMO she was excellent in the role of Elaine, sulty and sexy and a real femme noir.
pity there aren't many pix or screen caps of her in this movie available on the web :-(



I agree. This lady is EXQUISITE. Nice full frontal scene!

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


She was absolutely stunning in this film.


I have often wondered why she didn't do much more.


Apparently she was lined up to do Charlie's Angels in the mid/late 70's (possibly as a replacement for Farrah Fawcett?) but at the last minute the producers changed their minds and decided, amazingly, she was 'too sexy' for American main-stream TV. Her career never quite recovered from this and she quickly faded away afterwards...


That sounds like an excuse her agent would have told her to make her feel better.


A very pretty girl, but she can't act to save her life. It's so bad that it's basically anti-acting.
