
1. How could Miles possibly know WHEN the Bank was going to get held up? If you recall, when Santa attempted to rob the Bank the first time, a kid and his mom showed up and the kid started hassling him so he decided to abort the robbery. The second time, Miles had already put the main money into his lunchbox. So how did he know the robbery would actually take place when it did? What if the robber hadn't robbed the bank when he did? Would miles have taken the money out of his lunchbox and put it back in the drawer? Seems like an awful big risk either way....

2. How could Miles possibly have known that the robber would come to HIM and not another teller?...I counted five teller windows at the bank and all of the lamps on each one were on, plus the fact that it's Christmas time - one of the busiest times of the year - so obviously, there were other tellers there. What are the odds of the robber coming to HIM?


If you're still wondering 8 years later, or if anyone else has the same questions...

1. The robbery was actually the third attempt. The first was shown during the opening credits. Reikle abandoned that attempt because a police officer entered the bank, but he left an impression of his holdup note on the deposit slip. The second attempt was interrupted by the kid the very next day. So, there was a good chance that Reikle would try again the following day. If he didn't then yes, Miles would have to put the money back.

2. When the detective asked about his till having so much cash, Miles explained that the mall merchants usually went to him because he was the vault teller. In particular, the restaurant owner Fogelman went to Miles when bringing in his lunch-time cash receipts. Miles saw Reikle watching Fogelman just before the attempt interrupted by the kid, so he figured out that Reikle was waiting for Fogelman's big deposit.
