That isn't Snake Fist style...what is that?!
One thing I've always loved about the martial arts movies is the battle sequences that take place. When the hero has a fighting style that no one has seen before, someone on the sidelines or the main villain will say something like, 'What style is that? I've never seen that before!' and the hero replies. That always brings a smile to my face.
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow is no acception to that rule. When Chien Fu claws up Sheng Kuan's face with this new style, Sheng is horrified and shouts, 'That technique...that isn't Snake Fist style! What is it?!' Chien Fu smirks and says, 'Cat's Claw!' and proceeds to attack some more. I just loved the look on Sheng's face when Chien Fu showed him a style that could conquer the Eagle Claw tactic. Just goes to show that for every style, there is always another that can conquer...whether it be Karate, Kung Fu, Wushu, etc.
'These days...challengers all over. Everyone wants to be number one!' (Billy Lo from Game of Death II)