Echoing ShaolinThunder's post I know but what was the ending all about? I just got the UK late-90's Warner Bros VHS edition and the film just seemed to stop dead about 93 minutes in. I know Hong Kong movies often have odd endings but this on, well it just seemed like Warners had lost the last reel or something. Does thius movie really end with the shaolin training scene?
Great movie otherwise!
"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"
Very strange. I do have feeling that the UK VHS was a screw-up. I know that, like horror movies, in the UK martial arts films up until about 2000 were often cut to shreds but 20 minutes of cuts is a lot, no way.
Actually just thinking about it maybe the video has the correct ending but was taken from some butchered USA drive-in print I mean just think of the mess that was the original USA version of Polanski's "Dance of the Vampire" (sorry I'm British and as such calling it "the Fearless Vampire Killers" just doesn't sit right with me).
Also, just out of curiosity, hoe does your version end?
"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"
I downloaded a 115 minute version, but the other day I saw the film in a charity shop for £1, and it is only 90 minutes long!!!!!!!, I thought to minutes of cuts? I havnt watched all of the VHS yet, but there's a lot of pointless cuts during the training sessions and the conversastions between San Te and the other monks are greatly cut down, If anyone cares about the cuts I will go through each version and note them down and post them? Only by popular demand though.
Due to it's USA English dubbed nature I'm inclined to believe the 90 minute UK VHS was soursed from a cut USA drive-in print.
In it's 90 min version the movie is OK, but seems a bit lightweight and pointless. I mean this is widely regarded as one of thee great HK martial arts movies but the UK VHS didn't reflect this.
I do definatly want to see the full version so I'll be looking out for the longer cut (can probably get the DVD on YesAsia or somewhere)
"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"
the endings when he gets kicked out then helps some village then fights some guy
Wow, how insightful that post was, I bet that info really helped!
I have the 1:51 version (111 mins), which ends with the hero (San Te) confronting his old arch nemesis the Manchurian general, and with the help of his recruits, San Te pours flour onto the generals soldiers, so that they are disabled. He quickly rides away on horseback, followed by the general, and they fight it out on a mountain top in privacy. After the ensuing fight is over, we see San Te teaching Kung-Fu to a class of layman fighters - among them are many of his newest recruits that he found in the village after his training at the Shaolin Temple was over.
I saw this in the movie theaters when it came out here in the U.S. The training sequence ending where the student gets hit for slacking off is the exact ending I saw as a kid. Yup, saw it in the 70's. Great movie!!