Remake casting ideas(just for fun.)

I hated this film when I was younger, mostly because I was told to hate it. Now that I'm close to 40, I actually like this film. I'ts a cheesetastic escape from the horrors of modern life. Getting to my point, just about every film has been remade. Why leave Sgt. Pepper out? Let's kick around a few casting ideas. Here's mine...

Jonas Bros.-Hendersons

Zac Ephron- Billy Shears

Vanessa Hudgens-Strawberry Fields

Justin Timberlake-Dougie Shears

Jason Alexander-B.D.

Eddie Izzard-Mr. Mustard

Alec Baldwin-Mr.Kite

Adam Sandler-Dr Maxwell Edison


Marilyn Manson-Marvin Sunk(perfect fit)

Destinys Child- The Diamonds

Keep it going. You never know, they just might make it.


The carcass of George Burns should play the Mayor again...maybe the carcass would have more charisma than George Burns in this movie.


Keep it going?! You nailed it!

If hate were people, I'd be China! -Phil Berquist


To be honest, I think they could cast anyone they liked in a remake and it wouldn't be as corny as the original. Just have a huge top hat, pull celebs' names out and say "you play...."

The Long Walk stops every year, just once.


I can definitely agree with Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, & the Jonas Brothers on the casting along with Marilyn Manson (who has become fat as of late). That's a great cast.

Here is who I would put. No great actors. Just the worst of the worst.

Nickelback as Future Villain Band

Timbaland as B.D.

Ciara or Christina Millian as Lucy

Dane Cook as Dr. Maxwell

Taylor Lautner as Dougie

Some lame Disney girl group as the Diamonds

John Travolta as Mr. Kite

Chris Cornell as Mr. Mustard (the man sold out and he should be punished)

Some lame R&B boy band doing the Earth, Wind, & Fire segment.

Get some hack to direct the film. Have it go over budget at $100 million. Flop big time at the box office. Kill everyone's career and then have Paul & Ringo sue the studio for everything they have. Man, now that is you cast a crap film.


You're right- the Cheetah girls should definitely be punished as The Diamonds

In fact, why not make it an ALL DISNEY production?!!

Selena Gomez as the chick

I like the Jonas Brothers as the Hendersons, but Hanson would fit in so much better. Maybe they can be the EW&F group.

Aaron Carter can join in as Billy Shears

I'm starting to feel nauseous....

I'll TELL you what God needs with a starship, you sonofabitch...


Hey douche, I could care less if you like Chris Cornell but you are incredibly ignorant. Do you even know what selling out is or did you just hear the cashiers at FYE say that and you're trying to be as cool as them? How is changing your popular brand of music and trying something totally different selling out? Is Nickelback the only band that sucks? Its funny how you nerds only single that band (granted they do suck)while giving sucky bands like Weezer and Arcade Fire a pass. Hope youre comfortable in Mommy's basement.


That's because Chris Cornell believed that his new album was Dark Side of the Moon and claimed a whole lotta stuff on that album. I could care less what kind of music he did. The fact that he did for the sake of money and for popularity was just embarrassing. Who wants to hear a guy in his 40s talk about stuff that rappers talk about?

I don't even go to the FYE because I don't have one nearby. I wouldn't even go anyways. Arcade Fire rules *beep* Weezer sucks and there's a whole lotta sh*t bands out there. Nickelturd is just among the worst because they're so overplayed and are a bunch of corporate lackeys.

So shut the *beep* up!!!

Oh, and I have an idea on who should play Lucy & the Diamonds.

The Pussycat Dolls.


Here's one courtesy of

Director: Ron Howard

Billy Shears: Billie Joel Armstrong

Mark Henderson: John Frusciante

Dave Henderson: Pete Wentz

Bob Henderson: Dave Ghrol

Strawberry Fields: Taylor Swift

Dougie Shears: James Franco

B.D. Hoffler: Nicolas Cage

Mean Mister Mustard: Kevin Spacey

Sargeant Pepper: Ian McKellen

Future Villian Band: Linkin Park

Dr. Maxwell Edison: Steve Carell


Strawberry Fields: Linday Lohan

Mr. Kite: Paul McCartney

Sun King (Marvin Sunk): Ringo Starr


Eddie Izzard should play Mr. Kite
oh wait...

2010 Academy Award for Best Picture:



I'm not up on all the current stars, so I can't fill in all the blanks here...but when I saw the movie for the first time a few years ago, I was disappointed that Steve Martin talked his way through "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" rather than singing. Tim Curry would have been better in that role IMHO. Aerosmith and Earth, Wind & Fire could probably still do their same roles. (EW&F were the best part of the movie IMHO.)

:) Laura


Interesting list (Yes, I know it's two years old.)

I saw Sgt. Pepper in 1978; I was 13 and their target audience. The movie had cute boys and I knew eff-all about the Beatles, so of course I loved it.

Seeing it as an adult I can certainly see how it evoked howls of outrage from Beatles fans and fans of good cinema alike. From an adult POV, it's pretty darn bad - corny, cheesy, full of dumb sight gags and setups straight out of vaudeville.

However, the concept of taking Beatles songs and making a narrative out of them can be done successfully (Across the Universe), and actually most of the ideas in Sgt. Pepper are pretty clever - Billy Shears is a guy in a band who loves a girl named Strawberry Fields and faces the corruption of the modern music scene, personified by Lucy and the Diamonds.

Clever idea, executed in an unfortunately juvenile Disneyfied manner. Billy and Strawberry - heck, all of the good guys - are SO pure and wholesome you could gag, and as a result the film has no edge to it. It's not coincidence that the two hit songs from this movie - Aerosmith's "Come Together" and EWF's "Got to Get You Back in My Life" - come from neutral characters, and the bad guys!

The storyline isn't bad, and a remake with less furious mugging by Mr. Mustard (actually I think Alec Baldwin would be perfect for this role - he has the right amount of smarmy lecherousness) and fewer corny shenanigans would be great.

But it'll never happen. "Sgt. Pepper" was a HUGE flop, and remakes don't get made out of flops. Alas, the Jonas Brothers are all grownups now and their popularity is on the wane; and while Justin Beiber would be perfect for Billy, he's suffering the backlash of his enormoous popularity so that won't work either. Plus the Beatles fans would foam at the mouth over the idea of him getting anywhere near Lennon and McCartney's songs.


Spot on except Jim Carey would be a better Maxwell Edison....he's much darker and over the top.
