MovieChat Forums > Semi-Tough (1978) Discussion > One thing I have a hard time believing.....

One thing I have a hard time believing...

Billy-Clyde, Barbara-Jane and Shake have all been friends since childhood. And then, as fate would have it, Billy-Clyde and Shake go to college, become professional grade football players, become top draft picks, and then become offensive starting players, not to mention passer and receiver, on the same team that happens to be owned by Barbara Jane's father. What are the odds!?

Stacy - "We got a job"
Uncle John - "What kind?"
Stacy - "The Forever Kind..."


I know this is a very late reply, but I thought the same thing!

Why dont you go to bed? Ill bag the Nazi and straighten up around here.


Not too late at all. Maybe if they were a package deal as QB and Receiver. Thanks.

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.


I am wondering too, but no one wondered in 1977


Pretty long odds, probably thats why one of them joined a cult.

Its that man again!!


I'd bet the book might say more...or maybe not? Try reading?

"mondays are a bi+ch"


Not trying to nitpick, but Billy Clyde was a running back, not a QB. Hose Manning (Joe Kapp) was the team's QB.

I read the book a very long time ago. I don't recall that particular scenario being discussed at much length, aside from the fact they were all close friends, and wanted to try to stick together. Possibly when the boys turned pro, Barbara Jane sweet-talked her daddy Big Ed into drafting them both to his team. I'll have to re-visit the book, and if I find any more specifics, I'll post them here.

BTW, the book is far, far, FAR superior to the movie. One of the funniest things I've ever read. If you can get hold of a copy, treat yourselves to a great fun read.
