MovieChat Forums > Piranha (1978) Discussion > Spoil the movie for me.

Spoil the movie for me.

Can someone who has seen the movie spoil it for me? I am too disturbed to see this movie.


Whilst looking for two missing bodies a researcher and civilian accidently drain a pool full of mutant piranha that were created by the military. The piranha are released into a river where they wreck havoc. The civilian and researcher adventure off to find away of stopping the Piranha/warning people who like most, dont believe them until it is too late.....

Howcomes your so disturbed? The film is no worse in content then Jaws. There are much worse films out there.


I started watching this movie last night. It wasn't disturbing at all, in fact, it was very funny to me. However, I fell asleep right about the point they got put in jail for stealing the government jeep. What happened in the end??


The piranha's got into the holiday and camping resort and munched on loadsa people, the guy with the beard releases poison into the river, asa result they are went into the sea emphasising that they spawned and became a global threat.


I personaly thought this film was scarrier than Jaws on first watching, then again it did have a higher certificate - jaws was pg or 12 and this was 18 or 15, i beleive they are now both the same being 15 - they have varied from cinema to video to dvd formats.

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