Since the film is being remade next year, will there be a 30th anneversary DVD, or will I have to buy the 20th anneversary which is out of print? Also, I've heard how bad the 95 version is, but I'm a completionist, is it out on DVD by any chance?


I haven't heard anything but watch this space. Fans of these type of movies are always good about updating each other about special releases/news etc.

Stay away from the 1995 version. Check Amazon.com to see if it's out.

I feel that the anniversary DVD is worth getting just for the extras and commentary alone.


Thanks, I'll continue to watch.


I didn't mind the 1995 TV remake. Of course I've only seen the original once and this was maybe ten years ago. I didn't know the original was out of print, but I was aware the DVD was very hard to find. I hope to find a copy, or a new DVD comes out soon.


piranha was only released here in australia on DVD with a trailer. pity. id love to have the special edition.


theres gonna be a DVD released thank god ive been searching for it everyware. im not sure if theres a Dvdof the 1995 one but i will let you know its easter so the malls are closed but if i find some i will post good luck emcfarlandus from one movie bufff to another

