MovieChat Forums > Piranha (1978) Discussion > Why doesn't Netflix have this?

Why doesn't Netflix have this?

The new DVD and Blu-Ray editions of Piranha came out on August 3, but Netflix still doesn't show it. They have the old DVD version listed, but no copies are available, so you can put it in your queue, but you'll never get it (it's shown as having an "unknown" release date).

Why is Netflix so behind on this one? I've searched the site over and can't find anywhere you can ask this sort of question directly to Netflix.

Hopefully, someone with some connection to Netflix will see this and ask someone who can DO something. It seems like pure laziness on their part that they haven't bothered to even list a new DVD release.


They have it now, enjoy



You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.


Not on there anymore.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
