This movie was very enjoyable. It wasn't scary, but it was very fun, and the Piranha's looked pretty cool (especially when you can see the teeth). The movie also had some pretty good gore. Does anyone recommend the sequel or the remake? Or should I pass on them?
I agree! I really dig this movie! I love the sound the piranhas make! The scene where the kid and his dad are in that weird canoe which capsizes -- and the dad gets pulled into the water, blood flows everywhere --- it's extremely disturbing! I love it!
I like how there is action all the way through. A lot of films it's just suspence built on nothing and a lot of waiting around for some good gore. But this was a bloody treat from start to finish!! muhahaha
Yes, it is a very fun movie. People say Jaws made them afraid to get into the water, but this movie actually made me more afraid of the water than Jaws ever did. I think it's because there were so many piranhas and they were so tiny. I do enjoy this film, though, and watch it about once a year. The sequel is interesting (not so serious but still fun to watch), and it is fun to see James Cameron direct a silly little B-movie before he went on to those big budget A-list Hollywood productions. I never saw the 1995 remake, but the 2010 one is entertaining enough to not be a complete waste of time. It isn't to be taken so seriously, it's all about naked girls and blood so if you like those kinds of horror films, it is worth watching at least once.
There's no real reason to watch the '95 remake. It's mostly a shot-to-shot remake, only not done anywhere near as well. It even recycles shots from the original. Plus, the piranhas sound like dolphins.
Thanks for the advice. I don't think I'll buy the DVD but I'm sure it must be online somewhere. I might watch it eventually but it's not on the top of my "films to watch" list. There are others I want to see more.