Um, was D-Day supposed to be gay?

IIRC, he never had a girl of his own. It's no help that D-Day has reminded me to a significant extent of Glenn Hughes from the Village People.


I'm not seeing it. I mean, Stork didn't have a girlfriend either.

Bruce McGill in real life was probably second biggest party animal of the cast after Belushi.


Actually, Stork did have a girlfriend. At the beginning of the film, when Pinto and Flounder are visiting the Delta House for the first time, Stork is heard telling another brother: "I've never seen anything like this before. Down to her underwear, I had a boner, I know I did."


IIRC, he never had a girl of his own.

This is just my opinion, I think his motorcycle was his only love interest...I mean aside from 'RAMMING SPEED!', that had to be the highlight of his whole life when they came out in the Deathmobile.


Doesn't D-Day ride off with Babs or Mandy at the end?

Sorry, now that I think about it, that was Bluto in the convertible, not D-Day on a motorcycle.

But still no.


D-Day takes off in a stolen cop car... never to be seen again.


Don't know and it doesn't really matter but I think not. You can't give every character in the film a full back story.


Interesting theory. Not only was he never with any women... or seen showing interest in any women.... he also seemed to have a thing for leather and wore a thick mustache that wouldn't have looked out of place on the streets of the Castro 20 years later. Heck, it could even help explain why his whereabouts were unknown (perhaps he drove that stolen police car to San Francisco and started a new life as Danny Day). Sure, it's very circumstantial, but I certainly don't see anything that disproves it.


what a retarded question, the screen time in this film portrays about 0.0000001% of this fictional persons life. You didnt see him with a guy did you?

sheesh, he seems pretty effin straight to me


So if you're not seen on screen with a girl this implies you're gay? So, in your estimation Hoover and Bluto are gay too? Besides, we see D-Day dancing with a girl at the Toga party.


How ridiculous the OP question is. The movie was made in a time where not everything had to have a gay subtext.
