Richard Manuel and I
I had recently made my way up to Kingston with some colleagues from work. We spent the night at one of her friend's place right on the lake. Turns out she was Richard's sister in law. She married his older brother Jim, and man, when I found out I almost pooped my pants! She was really really nice, answered a whole lot of my questions, and then when I thought it was at it's peak, she pulls out this big huge chest of everything Richards mother saved from his life. Baby pictures, birth certificate, news paper articles, family pictures, his funeral program, pictures of his wedding (one of which had him with his wife, and a goofy looking Rick Danko beside them with an accordian). Going through all of this stuff, I can't believe I was looking at all this stuff. Simply amazing. I got to see a part of his life that no one else besides his family has seen. Simply amazing, I am still blown away by the whole thing.
Afternote: I wrote this little over a year ago, and was able to spend another evening at Richard's sister in laws home outside of Kingston. I couldn't resist looking through some of the items again. Still blows me away. Richard was such a talented son of a gun.