You could tell Roy Scheider didn't want to make this movie
It wasn't a bad performance, but he did look bored/unenthusiastic.
The_Great_Moghul = Premmie
It wasn't a bad performance, but he did look bored/unenthusiastic.
The_Great_Moghul = Premmie
I disgree i think he was great in it and once the camera started rolling he was a true professional. Lets face it there are easily 15 movies he did that Jaws 2 was way better than. I bet he yearned for playing brody while on the set of platos run.
shareHe was very difficult to work with and wanted out of his Contract with universal after a difficult expire nice on SORCORER. He almost started a fist fight with the director.
shareRoy did not want anything to do with the sequel and tried to distance himself by finding as much work as possible around the time Jaws 2 was scheduled to be filmed.
Rolling-action: really? go on
shareHe didn't initially want to do it but warmed up to it as the production went on. Despite his early apprehension, he was still the consummate professional and said he wanted Brody to be as real as possible. Frankly, I quite like the direction he and the filmmakers took with the character in this installment.
shareYes on the making-of, the director said he was easier to get along with as filming went on. The Jaws films are nothing without Scheider, I thought he was good in this, I didn't think he seemed bored, the character was just pissed off that nobody would listen to him, if anything.
"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."
the same thing happened with ford, hamil, and fisher in the star wars sequels. they didn't really want to be in a sequel to a blockbuster either but they still put in a decent performance
shareI thought his performance was almost on a par with his Jaws performance and it's he who ensures the film is at least decent to good.
shareI imagine any disillusion you picked up from Roy's performance was not Roy himself but his interpretation of the character after all the Brody character has been through. He was emotionally and physically drained and somber from his previous ordeal in Jaws. We also see him identifying the signs that his nightmare is not over. I think it works.
shareHe was given much more depth of character to portray here. Being a sequel, we know his history better and appreciate the horror he feels when his greatest nightmare happens again. I think Schneider is even better in this than in the original.
🐒Demented and sad, but social.🙈
Scheider was top notch here.
He didn't have support ala Quint/Hooper. He had to do it all for the entire film not just the last 15 mins.
I think this is a sequel that actually did well on expanding a character w/o ruining it
I didn't notice any boredom from Roy Scheider in this movie.