The question is interesting, to say the least.
That's the same question the characters do at the end too.
Why I would say NO and prefer to jump off a bridge?. My answer is simple, it was NEVER a choice.
They forced this life onto humans, they didn't asked and they were more than prepared to force it onto you or kill you, that's the concept of a parasitic lifeform, they INVADE.
If you like the concept of being invaded, be my guess and accept this new life, for me, nothing that is forced I will agree on, NEVER, EVER. I earned this life as a human, either by my traits, my past actions, my present, believe what you will, but this was earned for me, nobody forced me to be human... to me, it is a priviledge I earn, so, why would I just resign this life without my consent?.
This is the same argument that was used over the years to justify fascist regimes, why opose them?... they dont give you a choice, that's the main idea, that's where the problem lies. Nothing that is forced is a choice and by that same principle, it is not worth living.
Be a spore or a clone if you want, if I was a character in this movie, I am sure as hell I will jump from a bridge if I know that it was not posible to defeat them, they had tons of time to do this, they decided to fight them instead of saving what little humanity they had left.
Alex Vojacek