What was so great?

I'll admit the movie was enjoyable but I thought a bit overrated as far as the oscars are concerned. I will say I didn't think the art direction was that great and that's was the movie's only oscar win.

One thing I just don't get at all was William A. Fraker's oscar nomination for best cinematography. I thought it was rather dull and hazy. Thank heaven that Nester Almendros won for "Days of Heaven" instead of this. But can somebody tell me why it was even nominated? I didn't think it was very good at all.

It isn't the only time I felt this way. Fraker received an Oscar nod the next year for "1941" and the cinematography was the same, hazy and dull. I thought so again in "Murphy's romance". I'm not knocking Fraker, he's done some really good work such as "The Fox" in 1967 and he did a nice job with "Bullitt" in 1968. But his work here wasn't anything to shout about.


I thought the same. I thought it was headed in a good direction until he went back to play football and the ending was a bit dull. I think I just have no patience for such drawn out dialogue, movies used to be so dialogy. this was a terrible review just now, I'm sorry.
