MovieChat Forums > The Fury (1978) Discussion > Great Movie - Question?

Great Movie - Question?

Fox had this movie on last night. Looks like they restored the film. Beautiful to watch. Forgot how good it is. I think it is closer to Firestarter than Scanners.

In one scene, you can hear the television mention a hijacking by Arab terrorists. Then later, you see a group of Arabs killed on a amusement park ride. Was Depalma sending some kind of message?


It sure looked that way. (Arabs getting their comeuppance). I didn't like that part at all, even if the seventies (oil embargo, hijackings, PLO) did seem to some Westerners like the "Decade of the Arab".


To me it looked like a confused boy misplacing his fury onto innocent people who dress kind of the same as those who he believes killed his father. The film is not racist.


The Arabs represent to Robin those responsible for what he thinks is his father's killing at the beginning- they were made to look like Arabs, remember. So when he's in a rage at the amusement park, its Robin taking it out on them.

Charm: "The power or quality of pleasing or delighting"


that amusement park was filmed in Bolingbrook,il
It was called OLD CHICAGO, it was an indoor amusement park,it was only open for a few year and was later demolished.
I am going to have to rent this movie and watch more closely


The shooting staged as a false flag operation of sorts, featuring gunmen dressed to look like Arabs, taking place in Israel... interesting.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
