MovieChat Forums > The Fury (1978) Discussion > Would it Have Been More Interesting If.....

Would it Have Been More Interesting If...

The Irving and Stevens characters were involved romantically (perhaps before they were kidnapped)? I think that would be an interesting subject for a movie. Two telkinetics in love.


It wasn't really explained all that well (or much) in the movie, but Gillian and Robin were actually psychic twins. Their souls, if you will, were separated at birth, with Robin's soul having to find another body (i.e. fetus) to inhabit before he was born. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck - if he'd stayed in the womb with Gillian, he would've died. So even though they grow up in different parts of the country, they're in contact with each other in the astral world, with neither of them realizing they were originally brother and sister.

Narrator of a life I'm reluctant to live...



That was interesting and not explained that well at all.
I heard the term "psychic twins" and I took it to mean they were tied somehow.

Was this explained in the book?

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.


**Was this explained in the book?**

Oh, yeah...definitely. We get the whole back story (well, a good portion of it, anyway) with Robin's growing up years, being raised by Peter's sister in the hills of Kentucky, and his astral voyages to seek out Gillian, etc. It's an awesome read and I highly recommend it!

Narrator of a life I'm reluctant to live...



I am always looking for good books to read.
It seems like I have read a lot of the books out there.
Not to mention a lot of authors are re-issuing their old books under different names.

I will check this one out.
Someone else mentioned the book that The Final Countdown was based off of.

Thanks again for the time and information. I appreciate it.

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.


You're quite welcome. There's actually two sequels to "The Fury" as well...."The Fury & The Terror" and "The Fury & The Power". I didn't care for them as much as the original novel, but they're still definitely worth a read-through. :-)

Narrator of a life I'm reluctant to live...



It's not explained in the film because... it's not part of the film. The connection between the two children is left purposely vague, probably because a literal explanation like the one you posted detracts from the mysteriousness of the story.


That's true. They actually left a LOT of the book out of the movie but, then, that's true of most novel-to-film versions.

Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit...


It would be more interesting if the fillm was Robin's story; he's the potentially most interesting character but his character re-emerges after too long an absence. Instead the film goes for comedy relief with Mother Knuckles and the off duty cop with his new caddie anxiety, and too many scenes of Douglas' character. Was Kirk the producer? He can make people disappear like Gilllian's mother and all the students at Paragon.
