3/10. This was one of the last de Palma movies I had yet to see.
And I thought it was straight-up slow, boring, overly long, poorly constructed and anticlimactic. It takes forever to get from dull scene to dull scene. We are supposed to feel suspense and sympathy for the Robin character from the opening sequence and through his father's plight to find him. But fifty million days later when they finally do track him down, he is an uppity evil pole-vaulting prick?! Yeah I get that they corrupted him. Must have been in all that time he was off-screen.
The interminable Chicago beach scene shot mostly from the rear. Not even Jim Belushi staggering around in cut-off jean shirts made that less insufferable. How could de Palma have wasted William Finley. That scene could have been much tighter.
I am glad five minutes was spent on an super special ice cream sundae party just so we could find out Hester is dating Peter through so very hokey dialog.
These psychics are supposed to be extremely powerful telekinectically but Robin can't break his own fall from a three-story window? When we just saw him ragdoll what's-her-name around the room. We are even told he is atomically powerful. Yeah, somehow I really doubt that.
And for a movie called The Fury, the only fury I encountered was my own at watching such tripe. The inclusion of an actual rage-filled showdown would have help my enjoyment of the movie. It's hinted at. But two guys falling from a roof while Amy Irving stares at a window all doe-eyed and mouth agape. And then a silly shock killing after an inappropriate kiss. Naw.
Oh, and the stupid glowing eyes. I guess they were aliens, or pod people, or children from the Village of the Damned or a Bonnie Tyler video. But whatever, at that point, I was corned out by this dumb movie.
And what was the purpose of the opening being in Israel? It starts off like a Bond movie. Then goes all North by Northwest and never quite achieves Carrie status before ending like a bad Omen sequel. It was just all over the place - with snail-pacing at that.
The only redeemable part of this movie that didn't make me wretch was the Mother Nuckells scene. And possibly the two cops in the car. But that dragged out. I guess for a low budget Hitchcock-style car "chase" in the fog that was okay. Otherwise, this movie could have been 30 minutes shorter and definitely punchier with its promise of some damn fury.