MovieChat Forums > The Fury (1978) Discussion > Spoilers - ridiculous ending

Spoilers - ridiculous ending

Okay, a descent movie from the 70's, entertaining as well, but the silly ending with Kirk Dougless diving off the roof was laughable. If that wasn't enough, try to keep a straight face when John Cassavetes get detonated and blows up 12 times by Amy Irving.


I think Andrew Stevens "falling" to his death 2 minutes after showing he can levitate himself is the most ridiculous of all.


It was a laughable moment, it slightly took away from the narrative's dramatic tone.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


I saw "The Fury" when it first came out and I enjoyed it but after repeated viewings I just can't help to see how incredibly cheesy it is. Oh well, it was still great seeing John Cassavetes explode!


The Andrew Stevens fall looks absurd.

It's that man again!!


Bravo, Wally. I was going to ask if I missed something. Huge plot hole.

Something you should know. That man over there? He talks to popsicles.


Partly yes and I partly wonder if he wanted to die.
