Just Been Announced
Remake in the works. Thoughts anyone?
sharewell, as i personally thought this movie sucked i ain't gonna argue about a remake for once.
but still, what is there to take in this?
well, as i personally thought this movie sucked i ain't gonna argue about a remake for once.This is exactly the kind of movie they should be remaking: a good idea botched in the execution. Why not try to do it better?
"A good idea botched in the execution".
It´s quite the other way around - a ludicrous story that only works because of De Palma´s direction. As such, I´m sure it can never be bettered.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
I'd forgotten that this movie even existed in the almost four years since I last commented on it, and I remember virtually nothing about it. Because of this, I can't argue that my opinion at the time was right, or that yours is wrong (although you'd think that if De Palma's direction was so great the movie would have stuck in my head a little more, wouldn't you? Then again, the same would probably have been the case if it had been truly terrible). However, since there has apparently been no sign of any progress on a remake since then, I doubt that you have to worry much about anybody trying to better it.
Movies I've Seen: http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=25003655
This movie begs to be remade, IMO.
The tone was all over the place. It wanted to be a comedy movie, action movie and a horror movie and none of them separated themselves from the rest to become anything with a lasting impression.
DePalma's direction was decent, resulting in some excellent scenes and images, but it was clear that he was still finding his way in the business. The movie got away from him.
DePalma helped turn a great story and mediocre acting into a VERY watchable flic with his direction. could have been much, much better but did have some great scenes and memorable moments. I'm gonna break out my copy before I comment again.
As for: "facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan - That sums up Republican thinking for the last fifty years.
As for: "facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan - That sums up Republican thinking for the last fifty years.
I really enjoyed the movie and the book was great. Am I surprised they're doing a remake? No, because the sad truth is there is really no more originality left. There is some, but Hollywood has realized they make their money on remakes rather than take a risk with an original script.
Being a film fan and aspiring screenwriter, I will most likely see it because sometimes remakes are decent and I use that word lightly. Most of them are god awful, but it all depends on casting and how they will "re-imagine" it.
"Without silence there can be no music" -- Poets of the Fall
the movie is excellent the way it is. a remake is totally pointless (hollywood just never learns)
if you can find the book get it cause its an excellent read as well.
the movie is excellent the way it is!!!???
Get rid of Mother Knuckles and the cop with the new caddie and focus on Robin. Improve the dialog, everything Gillian's mother says sounds pre programmed. Robin, potentially the most interesting charcter is off screen for too long.
Gillian´s mother has only a couple of minutes of screen time; now surely that isn´t going to sink the whole damn movie even if her dialogue/delivery ´was´ poor... which I´m not sure of; certainly didn´t stand out in any way. Generally, there´s nothing terribly wrong with the dialogue at all though. Also, that Mother Knuckles and the car chase in the fog were some of the best things about The Fury as far as I´m concerned.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan